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词汇 example_english_authority

Examples of authority

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Classical models and authorities were also sources for perceptions of nature, the countryside and their inhabitants.
We are grateful to the staff in the five authorities for participating in the exercise and providing the information for the study.
The degree to which price was used in the decision-making of social services authorities was, however, important in mediating the effects of the change.
With the exception of some new funding for local authorities to facilitate recruitment and retention in social care generally, this remains the case.
They were forced to co-operate with the authorities who were making cultural policy, and required to articulate their positions in society.
If there are no threats to identified sites, national authorities may be able to justify maintaining the status quo.
Firstly, launching an initiative enables agenda-setting, since authorities are forced to deal with the issue at stake.
On average, each inspector is responsible for 21 schools in six separate local authorities that employ 621 teachers.
Regulations are rules and directives imposed by authorities to mandate behaviour in accordance with public policy.
In any event, the authorities tried to hold an e election to give the facade of democracy, while ensuring that the desired results occurred.
Local authorities clearly seem most concerned with civil society activity in areas of political opposition.
The identification of this common good is made, in the last resort, by political authorities.
The case was brought before the military authorities in 875\\1470.
In addition, cooperation between different authorities and contacts with mass media are mandatory.
On this account, conven tions not only guide legal of ficials to the appropriate authorities, but they would impose obligations upon them to do so.
To be sure, legal participants need not rely solely on authorities in order to establish a mesh.
Indeed, political authorities that fall short of fulfilling the normal justification thesis may nevertheless be legitimate on procedural grounds.
As this discussion suggests, there is a significant difference between an authority's orders and its intentions.
One of the functions of authorities within the framework of joint activity, he argues, is to resolve competition or at least 22.
Student 4: authorities, is it a kind of theory?
Moreover, three authorities changed their organisational practice and category at the point of conducting the survey.
The deaths were verified with the registration authorities in both regions, and the numbers are reliable.
They respect authorities and are strict in their instruction.
Psychiatrists argued that they were best qualified to advise the authorities on the control of deviant behaviour.
Furthermore, the social care legislation of the regions delegates powers to manage these services to the municipal local authorities.
Following the 1990 reforms, the roles of local authorities as both inspectors and purchasers of care have been separated.
How have local authorities responded to central government's initiative in integrating state administration?
Despite the hierarchically institutionalized local finance and the illegal practice of overburdening, the manipulation of such incentives served as a way of motivating local authorities.
Local authorities and their national associations acted only in a manner of one-way petitioning.
We will work to achieve this with education authorities, schools and all those who want to see standards rise.
During this, it came to yet another clash between archaeological and local authorities.
The tasteless representation infuriated the national archaeological authorities.
If plans go ahead, local and provincial authorities will have many new tasks and responsibilities.
As a result, the local medical authorities paid particular attention to these diseases.
Medical authorities warned that doctors often felt a conflict between their obligations to their patients and the demand for cause-of-death data.
Secular and ecclesiastical authorities had to determine the legal status of this body and see to its disposal.
Furthermore, the standard implies that every act of ending someone's life implies an unnatural death, which has to be reported to state authorities.
Physicians as a group seem less motivated to establish or maintain their role as cultural authorities.
An examination of patterns of current expenditure on services by local authorities adds an important new dimension to the sanitary equation.
From a petition to the city authorities as a response to this ordinance we can infer that such practices were quite common.
They collected and published data as a service to - rather than a challenge for - the authorities.
At the same time, we see both central government and local authorities becoming increasingly concerned about the availability of resources.
The legal and papyrological sources record how both landowners and the imperial authorities responded to this situation.
Today, bioethics is recognized by both the public and medical authorities.
Ming authorities however allowed government and national university students to submit the plaints themselves if the matter was of critical importance to them.
However, in a political sense, the central government is remote to them, and local authorities are regarded as corrupt.
Though they existed outside the law and their existence was constantly castigated by the authorities, they played a very important role in society.
The authorities did not seem to issue official notices as a matter of routine.
There separate deals could be cut with local coastal authorities, and if the price wasn't right the captain could simply move on.
There were the external problems created by the unresponsiveness of central government, and the awkward division of responsibility with the local authorities.
There are some limitations to this approach since some qualitative observations will still be viewed as subj ective by authorities.
Only five per cent of authorities reported that they either provided or purchased such services for older people.
The inconsistency among authorities in their approaches to assessment and care management greatly concerns the current government.
Evidence of targeting was found in just over half of the authorities (52 per cent).
However, local authorities were not permitted to make placements in nursing homes.
Within all three states, water exchanges now exist for temporary trade managed by the water authorities.
To demand such luxury for every believer was always looked upon as subversive by the authorities.
The local, or national, authorities privatize the resource by allowing an outside firm to access the resource, while declaring illegal its access to villagers.
Moreover, the hunting rate is usually assumed to be constant over time, while in reality health authorities can implement more flexible culling policies.
The authorities may try to maintain the established meaning against the popular misuse but this misuse, if persisted in, imposes itself upon them.
Numerous authorities assert that dialect relates only to vocabulary, and the rest of local diversity falls under the heading of accent.
Schneider derives this use from excellent authorities, but it is now questionable.
To recognize which are the ones that are intolerable is a difficult matter because authorities and tastes are very divided on the subject.
The main piece of evidence for this is a statute of 1436 requiring all gilds to register their ordinances with local authorities.
To begin, he identifies examples in which civil authorities chasten religious leaders.
Due to environmental contamination, health authorities recommend limits in the consumption of fish caught in certain waters.
Enforcement, however, was the responsibility of the secular authorities and seems to have varied widely.
Scottish authorities, however, encountered several obstacles in their attempts to create parishes, and especially to assign sufficient revenues to them.
In changed circumstances it is telling that the authorities considered it necessary to enforce giving by statute.
The subject also inevitably produced caustic and protracted struggle between municipal, state and ecclesiastical authorities for the regulation and control of morals.
Most of the chapters are by world-leading authorities, and virtually all have been produced to a high standard with relatively few errors.
To make sense of the crisis, the authorities looked for scapegoats.
Although most of the writers are historians, there are also authorities on management, literature, religious studies and economics.
Her findings suggest that in the revolutionary period traditional authorities and the new government-appointed local hierarchies were constitutive of local government institutions.
Most churches did not come into conflict with the local authorities and some explicitly favoured a racial hierarchy.
Confronted by this reality, the colonial authorities accepted that the oil palm produce industry could not survive without the introduction of a plantation system.
The first two sections describe the arguments levelled against enclosure and identify the authorities on which pamphleteers drew.
The court justice would be relied upon by the palace authorities for prompt and immediate action in an emergency.
Traditional religion mixed freely with folklore and superstition, forcing the authorities to negotiate between two worlds of belief.
There is little evidence, however, that ecclesiastical authorities went out of their way to mount a sustained campaign to restore church fabric.
If this situation does notexist, then the local authorities, through their health education programmes, are in an ideal position to remedy this.
The direct and indirect cost for the public health authorities, health care and the producer are expected to be considerable.
Scabies was obviously a problem of national importance, recognized by the authorities as such.
Significantly, pain appears in the one domain where legal and religious authorities cooperated - the ascertaining of truth when no direct evidence was available.
The breakdown of the references reveals a distinctive distribution of the authorities cited.
Although no proof has yet emerged that it's transmissible to humans, scientific authorities haven't ruled out the possibility of a public health threat.
Employees at each of the agencies had been delegated authorities.
Agencies delegated authorities and empowered front-line employees to exercise responsibilities to more fully address customer needs.
Prior to the conflict over the police the council had met when it wanted, without the supervision of the central authorities.
Likewise, it prevented the possible subversion of the chain of command and kept control in the hands of local political authorities.
He was even willing to pass on their names to the authorities.
There is no convincing evidence that these displaced persons constituted a threat to public order, but the authorities believed them to be so.
As part of this procedure, the central authorities collated the relevant budgets in annual tables.
The information given depended ultimately on how the local authorities had resolved questions like these.
Despite these findings it was heartening to read that at least some authorities were attempting to address age issues in the employment of their staff.
The lower courts almost inevitably leave the development of legal principles to those higher authorities who set precedents for them.
The civil authorities interfered so much in such elections, however, that the task was to prove a delicate one.
In exchange, care for foundlings was carried out without any remuneration from the council authorities.
The imperial authorities fully exploited and sometimes overstepped their constitutional powers: there were imperial laws for everything.
They point out that health authorities lag behind social services in addressing the issues of the black community.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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