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词汇 example_english_assimilate

Examples of assimilate

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
After assimilating some additional data in the following sections, we shall return to this possibility in 5.
Words with too weak a weight in domains (weight < 0.1) are not kept for computing the similarity, as they are assimilated to noise.
Religious differences are not comic but a source of bloodthirstiness, and religious conversion figures importandy as the exotic female assimilates into western religion.
As already noted, he contended that foreigners would strengthen the national organism by assimilating into it.
All languages have assimilated variant pronunciations deeleebobb/pper.
From the 4th to 9th centuries the region underwent profound changes as one group displaced, assimilated, or mixed with others to produce new ethnicities.
She reasons that cliticisation differs crucially from handshape assimilation, where orientation assimilates as well.
The second process is dominant handshape assimilation, where the clitic retains its movement but assimilates its handshape to that of the host.
They have assimilated, in part or in full, many aspects of western culture.
Nonetheless, the statement is of importance because it allows us to better appreciate how the opera was seen and its message assimilated.
Translocation of photosynthetically assimilated carbon in tea plants.
Transformations, slight enough so that new objects can be assimilated by their recipients, provide the creative elements on which culture is based.
Thus, thoughts and perceptions of the trauma may not be fully assimilated and integrated into coherent memories.
Generally each society and culture has drugs of choice that have been assimilated to its cultural practices.
The information appropriately becomes a tutorial or starting point for interested readers, rather than the definitive reference to be assimilated uncritically.
We will argue in 4.1 that this is because the lexical tone is unspecified, and assimilates to an adjacent intonational tone.
They may have assimilated features, stories or practices related to the raven.
On the other hand, under the existing hegemony of western ideas, the third world will be further assimilated and will generate unforeseen effects.
Since form and content were inextricably connected, the expressive situation was assimilated to the "pure speech" paradigm.
Each type of technology is assimilated to a sector called, primary or secondary sector.
The new description does not repeat the general sentence on 56k modems, because it is presumed that the visitor has assimilated it.
Untroubled by doctrinal issues, never burdened by thoughts of conversion, they assimilated at the college the gentlemanly culture and political skills of a constitutionalist regime.
The monzogranite has finer-grained zones and exhibits assimilated basic inclusions.
Although the state government had ordered private schools to be assimilated into the federal schooling structure, many managed to avoid the dragnet.
The living organism survives such change because it properly assimilates the new particles of matter by having them caught up in its life processes.
There is an overlap of the new and the old, and this enables the new particles to be assimilated into the individual's body.
Immigrants must be assimilated as quickly as possible to unite the country.
As the middle-class and suburban populations expanded, they assimilated aspects of gardening and botanical traditions that predated them.
Even so, she was faced with assimilating a formidable body of material and collection of examples.
Other sources are assimilated in more minor roles.
However, elsewhere they mention "the weak representations characteristic of implicit cognition," thus assimilating weak conscious representations with unconscious representations.
The newcomer quickly assimilates the same idea, and after a time begins to voice it as assertively as his mentor.
Given that the analysis of null objects is assimilated to that of topicalization, a relationship is predicted between topicalization and null objects.
The student assimilates this information and gradually takes control of determining where ideas should go.
Changes continue to occur, as they have done for 1200 years; broadcasting simply makes them more obvious and more quickly assimilated.
In doing this, aspects of the collected data were emphasized, minimized, or set aside for the purposes of categorizing and assimilating relevant information.
He is also interested in determining whether the alveolar nasal assimilates more readily than the alveolar stops.
Various attempts have been made to use adjustable bands in many institutions,4"10 but no method has uniformly been assimilated into surgical practice.
Breeders have followed and assimilated the results of farmer evaluations and now pay more attention to colour, form and size of tubers when selecting germplasm.
On the other, it may be assimilated, via similarity, to an already established unit.
The prefix over- may be assimilated to the preposition over with spatial over-verbs, but may not be with excess over-verbs.
Information must be assimilated and integrated from many sources to adjudicate difficult choices and mediate conflicting goals.
The eyes are assimilated to a developmental paradigm of caregiver adjustment, in which even ' denial ' figures as a response to the increasing burdens of care.
The more hydrophobic organochlorines partition quickly onto soil and plant surfaces, from which they are assimilated in the food chain through diet.
By assimilating duration, spectral space or harmonicity, and pitch/register we have a two-dimensional assessment of the qualia of a sound object.
The linear-segmental scenario in which an assimilating position clones melody from some other source can only be understood as fortition.
Retraction is a strategy for assimilating borrowings (36a) and for achieving the agreement in backness in sentence phonology (36b).
The indigenous mode insists that literate practices be assimilated into existing social practices.
Molecular drive in multigene families : how biological novelties arise, spread and are assimilated.
Only a small minority of migrants became assimilated to the local populations.
Accordingly, aid to ' assimilated ' detainees did not contravene the purposes of the blockade.
In such ways it was hoped that decrees would be paraded in public and assimilated by attentive spectators.
Late artists are assimilated to fictions of influence and emulation.
Technique is tacit knowledge which is assimilated through material processes, a tangible discipline, a hierarchic order, models and examples to be respected and emulated.
The second is an evaluation of the prospects of assimilating political obligation to the general principle.
On the conventional view of precedent, distinguishing is assimilated to the power to recognize novel exceptions to statutory rules; effectively, a power of amendment.
If we think of an ex ante increased chance of benefit as itself a benefit, threats can be assimilated to sure assurances.
A discussion about how an organism assimilates new matter will follow.
The victim was unable to process the meaning of the traumatic information because it could not be assimilated into existing cognitive schemas.
The new, non-fissioned produced particles were never assimilated with the old in any life processes.
To what extent can the transaction-centred view of quality be usefully assimilated into discourse on building quality?
One scientist offers a theory and another, having assimilated details of that theory, offers a revision.
In the analytic construction, the head noun is typically marked for definiteness by means of the prefix l-, which assimilates to coronal consonants.
A stable social organization is one whose members have fully assimilated its rules and guidelines and who therefore experience transmitted social practices as autonomous activities.
Aphids are phloem feeders and divert plant assimilates to the galls.
Selected problems in the tonal manifestation of words containing assimilated or elided schwa.
There are a number of reasons why we believe these phenomena should be assimilated.
In a rule-based formalism, context is assimilated with control knowledge.
Assimilation of a fact varies between 0.0 (totally unknown) and 1.0 (fully assimilated).
One can suggest that pardos represent a second-generation group of mixed origin that was already assimilated to the local culture, including the language.
The leaders of evidence were lawyers, and were extremely important in directing questioning and analysing and assimilating information. 17.
In other words, each prior stage of learning is incorporated (assimilated or accommodated) in the next level of development.
The organ and voices of all those in attendance become thoroughly assimilated with the architecture of the cathedral.
Because of their non-canonical nature, such nouns cannot be assimilated to any existing templates and are left uninflected.
Whenever such a primitive self-replicating cycle would fall apart, its pieces could be assimilated by another self-replicating system.
Representing the 1st person morpheme as a nasal consonant also provides a source for the voicing which is assimilated by obstruents.
First, the old, sometimes even ancient claims, and the cultural values that underpinned them, were easily assimilated within the new framework.
A minuscule part of such surface - the solar universe during a few thousand centuries - is practically flat and [can be] assimilated to its tangent plane.
Internally persuasive discourse, however, evinces the struggle to assert one's own voice among many by assimilating and restating that which has been told before.
Over the years, the left-right language has assimilated various specific issues and alternatives that have become important to voters and the parties who appeal to them.
The 'repetitions' scores show how many times the corresponding fact has to be mentioned, possibly in different pages, before presuming that the visitor has assimilated it.
As undiscovered data structures are created, perceived and assimilated, the base of knowledge available for the creation and perception of each subsequent structure is continually transformed.
Older people have adopted and assimilated their moral values in an historical and cultural situation that was very different from the situation in which we live today.
Indeed, a great deal of oral academic output is spoken prose, in the sense that it relates to the innumerable printed works mat scholars have variously assimilated over the years.
Another alternative explanation for the apparent excess argon problem is that some of the erupting magmas may have incorporated and only partly assimilated material from older lavas.
There is a danger here of assuming that theory corresponded with reality; that the ambitions and aspirations conveyed in oaths were understood and assimilated by the urban population at large.
Remembering that philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth century had already assimilated thought to perception, this is not surprising.
His theories were gradually assimilated into the world of science, and his ideas of time and space found support in geology and palaeontology.
What are the misrecognitions that haunt a project where ancient music and its study are assimilated to 'world music'?
Each student was assigned the task of totally assimilating one poem and studying it intensively during the three months of courses.
Here it is greatly expanded and is assimilated into a principal component of the structure.
The national culture then assimilates both traditional and international cultures.
However, these have assimilated some of the developments in computer design which we will discuss later.
Convocation, by 1327 no longer confusable with parliament, was assimilated to the clergy's own provincial synod.
In both examples the alveolar is assimilated to the place of articulation of the following segment.
An organism assimilates another organism when it makes the latter into something like itself, as food into the body.
Should offense thus be assimilated generally to harm?
He sees the mind as an undivided faculty oriented towards the concrete, incessantly assimilating it by way of analogies.
Today all their descendants are either completely or partly assimilated.
How is the knowledge of previous electronic music pioneers integrated and assimilated - how is electronic music culture valued and regarded in academic music environments?
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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