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Examples of assemblage

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Finally, how have these archival assemblages and the manner of their construction influenced historical interpretations ?
In conclusion, epidemiology is the most parsimonious explanation of the order that may be observed in ectoparasite assemblages.
They can also be merely stochastic assemblages of available species.
Nested assemblages resulting from host size variation : the case of endoparasite communities in fish hosts.
Our analysis also included measures of the taxonomic diversity of parasite species in the different assemblages.
In other words, the variance in taxonomic distinctness of parasite assemblages of schooling fish was higher than that of their non-schooling relatives.
In fact, however, many assemblages occur as outliers below the 90% confidence interval.
The factors contributing to the similarity between digenean parasite assemblages parasitizing the black-headed gull were investigated.
Linking species and ecosystems: different biotic assemblages cause interstream differences in organic matter.
In all rock types, partial or complete retrogression to amphibolite-facies assemblages is evident.
Therefore, granulite-facies assemblages would indicate metastability at high pressures if they pre-dated eclogite-facies metamorphism.
As a result, the availability of water exerts a strong control on the extent of plagioclase breakdown towards high-pressure assemblages.
53 isotope systematics and the provenance of detrital zircons of these different terrane assemblages, as they display distinct differences.
Modelling was performed using three different mantle mineral assemblages: spinel lherzolite, garnet lherzolite and spinel-garnet lherzolite, for both a primitive and a mixed source composition.
Their presence, or sometimes dominance, in every sample of this study, suggests that post-depositional oxidation did not alter the assemblages.
In addition, we examine whether the state of alteration can be best deduced from mineral assemblages, clay mineral analyses or from whole rock compositions.
Conversely, distinctive lithological sequence characteristics can be locally mapped, together with variations in phenocryst assemblages in associated ignimbrites.
Unfortunately, the unevenly distributed and generally rare planktonic foraminiferal assemblages do not allow a quantitative analysis.
Planktonic foraminiferal assemblages above the basal black shale are, however, diversified and still contain globigerinelloidids.
The quartzofeldspathic orthogneisses contain metre-scale mafic pods with variably preserved eclogite facies assemblages.
Modelling was performed using three different mantle mineral assemblages: spinel lherzolite, garnet lherzolite and spinelgarnet lherzolite, for both a primitive and a mixed source composition.
Facies assemblages are diachronous and their boundaries are parallel to the suballuvial bench.
Here, the igneous and corona textures are obliterated by the growth of amphibolite-facies assemblages with hornblende, plagioclase, biotite, garnet and zoisite.
The remaining 30 % of metabasites with amphibolite facies assemblages, many of which are sheared, contain no granulite relics.
Mechanisms that structure ectoparasite assemblages of bats and non-volant mammals may be distinct because of fundamental differences in their ecology.
The distribution of carabid assemblages usually reflects the patchy availability of food resources.
The primate community may comprise two dispersal assemblages relatively different from each other in the plant species they disperse.
The two dominant guilds were detritivores and predators, together comprising approximately 80% of the animal assemblages.
Tropical countryside bird assemblages: richness, composition, and foraging differ by landscape context.
The composition of larval and adult assemblages was uncorrelated between different host tree species.
Assessing biodiversity 'sampling packages': how similar are arthropod assemblages in different tropical rainforest?
Similarly, in human-fragmented landscapes no effects of area on species richness were detected for bat assemblages.
Other mechanisms, including resource partitioning are likely to play a greater role in maintaining the diversity of dung beetle assemblages in the region.
The aggregation model proposes that competitively inferior species are maintained in assemblages because they normally encounter uninhabited or low-density patches.
Although interactions among species within assemblages may maintain historically derived ecological differences, it is difficult to conclude that those interactions caused the differences.
Structurally, gap junctions consist of assemblages of gap junction channels which display variable degrees of order.
Sampling termite assemblages in tropical forests: testing a rapid biodiversity assessment protocol.
Other whorl assemblages come from burial and ritual contexts, indicating that spindle whorls were charged with symbolic as well as functional significance.
In the case of the former, the archaeological record would reflect significant changes in the ar tifact assemblages, architecture, and perhaps settlement hierarchy.
Since habitat conservation requires some degree of habitat contiguity, it is interesting to examine the extent to which low-market-value forested land occurs in contiguous assemblages.
Exact metamorphic conditions during the last overprint are difficult to constrain, due to the lack of suitable petrological tools for greenschist-facies mineral assemblages.
In general, chitinozoan preservation is poor and yields were disappointing, but some levels yielded stratigraphically useful assemblages.
The triangular shapes represent limited horizons of oceanic, rather than continental, sediment assemblages, which are often tectonically intercalated, but frequently fossiliferous.
There is an excellent review of the spore evidence and palaeogeographic maps showing the distribution of spore and macrofossil assemblages.
The assemblages are characterized by the same species as those listed above.
At the same time, modernist assumptions are made about a functional level of description invoking hypothetical constructs such as schemas, schema instances, and schema assemblages.
Given this continuity with the past, the composition of sherd assemblages from individual contexts and whole vessels from burial contexts assumes increased importance.
Species richness and diversity of diatom assemblages illustrated a variety of responses to the temperature and light conditions.
Given this continuity with the past, the composition of sherd assemblages from individual contexts and whole vessels from burial contexts assumes increased impor tance.
The roles of ecological and evolutionary influences in providing structure to parasite species assemblages.
There exist assemblages with high species richness and complex functioning, alongside loosely structured, low diversity assemblages.
Studies have revealed a complex array of species assemblages, often co-existing in mosaics.
Communities of congeneric species, which present a special type of multispecies assemblages, could present a slightly different situation.
Therefore, there are unquestionable latitudinal gradients in the distribution of parasite assemblages of anchovies.
To date, all have used species richness as their sole measure of the diversity of parasite assemblages.
Nevertheless, our analyses allowed us to determine which features of host species are associated with either many parasite species or with taxonomically diverse parasite assemblages.
As indicated above, diverse graptolite assemblages were recovered from the palynological residues.
There is a laudable attempt quantitatively to analyse fossil plant assemblages within their sedimentary environment to elucidate community heterogeneity and structure.
The state of alteration deduced from immobile element ratios, plagioclase compositions and mineral assemblages shows contradictory results.
Conversely, very different hydrothermal assemblages may form during a single episode as a result of overprinting.
We describe the spatial and temporal relationships between the different assemblages and structures that show that the granulite-facies assemblages pre-date the eclogite-facies metamorphism.
236 other hand, requires fluid infiltration to produce amphibolite-facies assemblages.
In the dioritic pods and layers, eclogitization is restricted to their margins, whereas the cores of these bodies preserve igneous or granulite-facies assemblages.
Addition of fish compost often gave a toxic effect on microbial abundance, particularly on hydrocarbon-utilising bacterial assemblages of soil 2b.
Assessing biodiversity 'sampling packages': how similar are arthropod assemblages from different tropical rainforests?
The density and species composition of larval and adult assemblages on the studied trees were not correlated.
Composition and abundance patterns of the parasitic helminth assemblages were influenced by logging.
Further research is needed to investigate whether more general patterns in altered parasite assemblages emerge if a larger quantity of host species is examined.
However, even on this scale fungus-grower assemblages were surprisingly homogeneous and species-rich.
Four of these had similar isolation distance (< 1.0 km) and were selected to investigate the effects of area of the habitat-island on bat assemblages.
However, it is largely unknown how fires affect herbivore assemblages on a local scale.
Therefore, we are left to compare the relative contributions of vertebrate species or disperser assemblages to the seed rain.
However, responses of ectoparasites to host cues could explain nested streblid assemblages.
The biofacies associations and palaeogeographical affinities of the assemblages are discussed.
By drawing on burial evidence in addition to domestic assemblages he is able to contextualise the farms within a broader cultural and symbolic landscape.
The dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are diverse and comprise species with different ecological preferences.
The basalts are generally porphyritic, and phenocryst assemblages show a gradual change from olivine to olivine-clinopyroxene-oxides and olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase.
Alluvial fans and their natural distinction from rivers based on morphology, hydraulic processes, sedimentary processes, and facies assemblages.
Nonetheless, appropriate mineral assemblages, temperatures and crystal proportions were found in most of the model calculations.
In this case, mantle-derived and more evolved basalts interact with water in geothermal systems and are transformed into amphibolites or lower-grade metamorphic assemblages.
In schist intercalations within the marbles mineral assemblages include chlorite, calcite, albite, phengite and quartz.
At most horizons taxonomic diversity is small, individual assemblages generally being monogeneric or even monospecific.
The second retrogressive stage is marked by the retrogression of the medium- to low-pressure granulite facies mineral assemblages into the amphibolite facies.
Chapters 2 - 6 are a painstaking presentation of all the sites as excavated, and the assemblages from them, from oldest to youngest.
No such restriction should apply to our large-eyed species; it should be found with all other different kinds of trilobite assemblages without preference.
The pits contain assemblages of material culture that are exceptionally rich for the region.
They note also that the main eastward-flowing rivers divide otherwise similar vegetation classes into distinct assemblages of flora and fauna.
The for mer contains a rather general discussion of biodiversity and ecosystem functions, including multi-species assemblages.
Although assemblages should be influenced by proximity to pottery sources, the highest-quality items should gravitate to the wealthiest or higher-status households.
Specific assemblages have discrete concentrations within this range.
Variation in the content of these assemblages is used to identify the degree of ritual activity and the function of each structure.
The diversity of parasitoids recorded here facilitates exploration of a number of issues associated with parasitoid assemblages on concealed hosts.
Means and standard deviations for this measure could then be obtained for entire assemblages.
However, we now know a lot more about extremophiles, and can understand the survival strategies of the assemblages.
Structurally diverse assemblages of amino acids are, it seems, a clearly abiogenic feature.
The high-diversity assemblages may preserve complex ecological associations of graptolites that existed in the water column during 'graptolite-friendly' environmental conditions.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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