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词汇 example_english_ascertain

Examples of ascertain

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Susceptibility to rheumatic fever have been ascertained because of the poor quality of records in earlier years.
All are vulnerable to software bugs, however, at any time and so the liability of software companies needs to be ascertained.
In addition, the joint effects of pollutants and parasitism on the immune system of the host has not been ascertained.
First, the sample is epidemiologically ascertained, thereby eliminating possible biases associated with treatment-seeking.
Each condition was ascertained by a separate question.
The words designate underlying meanings, and it is these inner meanings - the characters' mental states - which have to be ascertained and conveyed to the spectator.
He ascertains specific distinctions in the nature of signs and their social functions and stresses that signs are determined by their systems.
To date however, the effect of an intestinal adult tapeworm on leucocyte migration from the pronephros has not been ascertained.
An evaluation of the family history method for ascertaining psychiatric disorders.
The answer to this question cannot be ascertained at fir st sight even on physical grounds.
However, the relationships between rap and canzone d'autore, apart from this generic convergence in a vaguely defined oppositional youth culture, have still to be ascertained.
The location and repair of recent water pipe breaks was ascertained.
Where significant funding for project establishment and ongoing operations was not ascertained, the project developers incurred higher search costs.
There are a number of ways in which the influence of shared environmental effects can be ascertained and minimized in the analysis of natural populations.
How can vertical and horizontal equity be ascertained throughout the country?
Interactions with other factors operating in the field (particularly moisture content and anaerobic conditions) should also be ascertained.
Even the simplest and most reliably ascertained phenomena of human information processing suffice to illustrate the main points of the present argument.
A certain 'familialization' of the councils can be ascertained, with some family names appearing on the rolls for generation after generation.
Previous and current residence was ascertained to allow adjustment for migration.
The analysis of the top-view sequence focused on ascertaining the significant scales of a standing cross-vortex tube and the changes with time of its shape.
The adequacy of the spatial resolution can also be ascertained from the spectra.
A better indication of the true blood pressure can be determined, but in addition the diurnal rhythm and short term variability can be ascertained.
The next series of experiments ascertains the effects of variations in the magnitude and shape of the topographic feature.
Attachment-related issues are ascertained, as well as their feelings about the child and his behavior.
Just how large or major this underestimation is cannot be easily ascertained.
He makes forays into two unresolved academic debates : the relationship between market reform and democratisation, and the extent to which ' media effects ' can be ascertained.
Rates of psychiatric disorders in a clinical study group of adolescents with extreme obesity and in obese adolescents ascertained via a population based study.
Moreover, this twin panel, being a volunteer panel, was not systematically ascertained from birth records and well-educated individuals may be over-represented.
In this second study, we directly examine the role of one methodological factor - the use of proband informant reports in ascertaining relative diagnosis.
The main methodological limitation of the study was the reliance on retrospective methods for ascertaining childhood experiences and psychopathology.
Where death had occurred, cause of death was ascertained from the death certificate.
Smoking status also was ascertained, and the sample was partitioned into never, former, and current smokers.
Common sense suggests that outcomes will appear better as cohorts are ascertained with less bias towards more severe, recurrent cases with less complicating co-morbidity.
Both were ascertained in the early 1990s and have been followed for 5- 6 and 8-10 years respectively.
Consequently, our findings may not be generalizable to hallucinations ascertained by clinicians.
The problem of ascertaining degree of change is, in short, not resolved.
At the same time the primary importer and distributor for each brand was ascertained by informal inquiry amongst retail traders.
Stillbirths were ascertained from the obstetric history or, for late stillbirths, at the time of delivery.
My discussion applies, however, to any legal system wherein moral principles figure among the criteria for ascertaining the law.
Only by accounting for expectations can the full impact institutions have on behaviour be ascertained.
However, the absolute level of desired spending or necessary spending can not be ascertained from such a number.
After a 'while' he was woken suddenly by a 'roaring' noise, which he ascertained was from a fire.
Only thus can it be ascertained whether the machine really does reduce human labor.
The satisfaction of goals of inquiry is not ascertained privately, but by evaluation with respect to shared values and standards.
The meaning of this expression cannot be ascertained.
Typically, localisation is mapbased using sensors to enable the robot's position to be ascertained.
Each director's proportion was "to be ascertained by dividing the whole loss amongst the whole number of directors liable for its reimbursement" (sec. 15).
A static collision test ascertains if the robot collides or not at a particular configuration.
The safety of the procedure must also be ascertained.
As a further limitation to the present investigation, it could be argued that intake was ascertained through performance on only one assessment task.
Can their role in structure and function of the cell be ascertained?
The meaning of musical performances depends on ascertaining which music was actually played at which events, which is never easy.
Next, they had to be deemed "employable," a more subjective determination, and their skill level had to be ascertained and rated.
In short, the following facts can be ascertained.
Figure 13 shows the steps in ascertaining the fitness of an individual program tree that may be encountered during the run of genetic programming.
Atmospheric moisture was measured by hair hygroscopes which were inserted into the positions, it being ascertained that a larva was present.
Who is offered packages and what they comprise are adjusted as the employer ascertains just how much pressure is needed.
Two indices representing the economic status of the neighborhood were ascertained.
Everyday conversations commonly have overlaps, redundancies and verbosity, yet the specific themes of awareness, attention and anticipation were ascertained, distinguished, defined and refined.
The level was ascertained by exploring the extent to which the informants perceived themselves to have real choice over aspects of their everyday lives.
Second, randomization prior to intervention increased the likelihood that prenatal risk factors, which cannot be ascertained, were evenly distributed across the intervention and control groups.
The swearer himself, in the absence of other guidance, was to use a ' prudentiall latitude ' in ascertaining the oath's meaning.
However, without doubt, the process for ascertaining design alternatives should also be supported.
The most tedious part of this study was ascertaining the whereabouts of these companies and their founders, nearly three decades after their incorporation.
The validity of this procedure of identifying amalgam sensitive subjects was ascertained in a semi-structured interview.
The null hypothesis of zero between-group difference in mean power of response was tested by comparing the coefficient to its non-parametrically ascertained null distribution.
No systematically ascertained data from bipolar samples were available to resolve this issue, which clearly warrants further investigation.
Consequently, it has been ascertained, that if one does not hide one's wealth it will not be possible to get along with one's fellowvillagers.%!
The age of the dog was ascertained by careful questioning of the owner and, in a few cases, confirmed by a locally issued dog licence.
Numbers of cases of meningococcal disease by hall of residence had been ascertained previously [5].
Only one had any specific history of psychiatric vulnerability as ascertained from an examination of the case records, referral letter and research interview.
The object of the study was to make an objective assessment of the validity of ascertaining personality from handwriting.
The mechanisms through which this process impacts on levels of trust cannot of course be ascertained directly from the sort of aggregate evidence presented here.
Even governments have a hard time accurately ascertaining what citizens think of their policies both because of and despite their policies.
The qualitative measure identifies its distinct types by ascertaining the formal and/or informal characteristics of those groups.
Evidently, there are qualities that can be ascertained through visual as well as tactile investigation, like the smoothness and roughness of the skin.
Establishing to what risks the person is vulnerable, and then ascertaining the arrangements needed to deal with the situation, are the aims.
The physiological role of these transporters has not been ascertained.
By demonstrating our findings based on records of duplicate 1-ha sites, small-scale habitat association with soil properties in heath forests was ascertained.
The precise date of annuitization can no longer be ascertained with certainty in advance.
Because the activation current is virtually the same from one egg to another, deviations of the current due to addition of fixatives can be ascertained.
However, the role of speaking rate in such judgments has not been ascertained.
In any case, such activity has the advantage of being sufficiently concrete that its importance may be reasonably ascertained through careful histor ical reconstruction.
Difficulties derived instead from ascertaining a debtor's solvency and forcing him to pay.
Above all, the child's wishes and feelings must be ascertained and taken into account in all decisions that are made.
An economy can be divided into various sectors and the net worth of each one- physical plus financial assets minus financial liabilities- can be ascertained.
Momentum cannot be ascertained by observing the steady-state velocity of a body unless its mass is known.
In scientific methodology, the place of prediction in ascertaining the empirical adequacy of scientific theories has been emphasized at the expense of their explanatory value.
Assessments of the initial plausibility of such theories basically involve ascertaining whether they are the products of sound abductive reasoning.
Full-time employment status was ascertained by asking respondents how many hours they worked each week, with 35 or more hours denoting full-time.
When it had been ascertained at what temperatures the maximum number of each species was seen, the counts were thereafter made when these conditions obtained.
The length of the adult life of the moth has been ascertained to be comparatively short.
In this way, all of the possible responses can be ascertained.
Observation statements can be ascertained by any observer by normal use of the senses.
We ascertained this by carrying out a series of experiments with fluids containing different solutes, and hence different surface tensions, keeping all other parameters constant.
Again, this throw-away prototype is ascertained with the assistance of reviews and milestones.
Then, an alternate argument is compared with the initial argument constructed and support for it is ascertained.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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