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词汇 example_english_arose

Examples of arose

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
When troubles arose, the ministry arranged mergers, utilizing its informal ties with banks.
Two additional methodological issues arose in the estimation for 1992.
All six cases identified arose in visitors to the area, and most had very limited exposure to the contaminated water.
They instead tended to be accessed in school holidays, and when emergencies or unforeseen circumstances arose.
In the shadow of market creation and deregulation, opportunity points arose for social policy innovation.
The utopian fictions arose as the social order began to corrode.
Another loophole arose when a pensioner moved and transferred to a different post office.
A commentary places it in the larger context of mid-sixteenth-century agitations and attempts to identify the locality from which it arose.
Their preference for pragmatic arguments and their avoidance of constitutional debate almost certainly arose from their desire to avoid confrontation.
Part of this process of structural reform directly arose in response to the perception of substantial inefficiencies in the economy.
The committee's motivation for ardently defending a hereditarian explanation of mental defect arose from politics and propaganda.
Rather, language originated as a result of the natural evolution of more ' primitive ' forms of communicative behaviours - as these arose within a social setting.
They would have to add accounts of how the mistaken view arose and how its falsity was discovered.
The ' prosobranch ' caenogastropods arose first in the sea and then moved into freshwater and onto land.
The author opposes the stigmatization, which arose in the second half of the last millennium.
The domain most clearly dominated by this koiné is the so-called "social" film, which arose out of another domain, the popular or "social" drama.
The issue of political interference in the police arose early on in his presidency, and has surfaced periodically ever since.
Difficulties also arose from the fact that during their development, the modules were tested individually on various subsets of our corpus of dialogs.
However, consideration of the sociohistorical pattern in which these varieties arose might go some way toward explaining these shared patterns of use.
The first humans arose about two million years ago.
The pure recruiting agent was an entrepreneur who arose in response to missing markets for labour for largescale recruitment purposes.
When budget problems arose, the government placed more emphasis on reducing costs through increased use of home help.
Centrifugal forces arose from within villages, besetting religious life with internal contradictions and contestation.
When disputes arose about which category a citation should be allocated to, or its relevance to the report, we attempted to resolve them by discussion.
Two specific situations arose for which the end-point of the depression needed to be estimated.
What was needed for the first recognizable piece of theatre criticism to appear in such circumstances was an actor for whom such questions never arose.
In this way, any group differences that arose simply through difficulty in reading the cloze texts or understanding the individual words could be ruled out.
Having sailed together once before, they remember the problems that arose the last time they set out.
On the one hand, they arose from the fight by disability campaigners for civil rights and social justice.
The issue of continuing the father role arose as they talked about their children.
The two non-responses arose through the ill health of one client and the death of another.
Many of the preschool teachers and child minders stressed the social connections that arose through music.
A different situation arose with regard to harvested crops.
As the independence of medical ethics was deconstructed, there arose the need for a canonical medical morality and a new cadre of medical moral experts.
Within the hearts they examined, all coronary arteries arose from the facing sinuses.
The arterial trunks both arose from the right ventricle with the aorta in right-sided position.
We have identified one pathway which unquestionably arose from such a remnant of ring tissue.
Indeed, even the information that the melda conveys, 'whence the feud arose', could be connected back to the start of the affair.
Once an individual stepped out of a simple "give and take" relationship, problems arose.
Since fairness most likely first arose in relatively small groups of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, the assumption of perfect monitoring is not far-fetched after all.
Instead, it arose as a by-product of selection for the more immediate, practical benefits of the capability of representing concrete spatial transformations.
The age of an allele is the time since it arose by mutation.
Segmentary lineage systems arose as groups increased in size and then divided.
One set of supportive links arose around discussions of ethnic identity and migration.
There has been an ambivalent attitude to the biological characteristics of racial hybrids apparent ever since the problem first arose.
Similar conflicts arose with respect to mountain areas gazetted as forest reserves.
The complications that arose in this study and that required medical attention were unlikely to be caused, or treated successfully, by physiotherapy.
A hor ror of dust also arose dur ing this per iod.
The question naturally arose, how could two geniuses independently come up with the same idea at the same time?
The paradox was of course that a duel arose from speaking the truth.
To the extent that the military regime's behaviour arose from anticipating democracy's impending arrival, an important methodological issue emerges.
The age x infection interaction arose because the 24 positive samples all came from adult mice.
A paradox arose from this obser vation because it was known that respiratory enzymes are immobilized in membranes.
They moved back when this possibility arose elsewhere.
When the occasion arose and the interviewee permitted, we were able to have a group of the subject's peers join a conversation.
The problem arose in terms of spontaneity and fluidity of expression when using solely pre-determined synthesis interfaces and functional algorithms to generate sound.
Thus, encouraging inter-agency and public involvement meant that, when points of contention arose later in the process, participants had little leverage for dispute.
The project arose out of a community led approach with all members of a housing cooperative contributing to the design process.
The question arose of how you might promote more connectivity and social integration between the two.
After the 1960s, a certain awareness of the iniquity of the 'system' arose, and lawsuits to obtain the payment of royalties became more common.
In great part this arose because he had to do it by himself.
The need for co-ordination arose because market forces were not allowed free play.
The overcrowding thus arose from the poverty which made rents unaffordable.
Again, this seems at odds with the evidence that it was the left-hemispheric dominance for vocalization, not righthandedness, that arose earlier in evolution.
Two new ideological movements, based on diametrically opposed values, arose: militarism and pacifism.
However, as the war took its material and human toll, tensions gradually arose between the exiles and their hosts.
A 1.9 cm bosselated pouch arose from this tissue and occupied the subpulmonary outflow tract.
The aorta arose from the large left ventricle through a competent bicuspid valve.
The aorta arose from the right ventricle supported by a complete muscular infundibulum.
The results of this study were straightforward: no facilitation effects arose for interlingual homographs relative to controls, while cognates were facilitated.
Thus, when modern connectionism arose, the targets of its criticisms were the symbols and rules of these theories.
There may have been individual cases that arose out of different concerns, but the overwhelming majority were about trust.
Self-definition as a musician arose once they had added additional roles to their professional practice.
Although a specific investigation of gender differences had not been planned, nonetheless the disposition of the friendship composing groups meant that some gender issues arose.
The temptation to deceive arose again when we started our hospital duties with patients in our third year of medical school.
The ring, once completed, would have been able to take any hoop stresses that arose from the next course to be erected.
From there first arose poisonous kind, spread widely, those which surging now through poisonous breath make spacious the entrance.
They would also accept petitions on other days when necessity arose.
His passion for architecture arose from a belief that good design enhanced the life of those that experienced it.
Needless to say, these three requirements must be satisfied for the dialect where auxiliary do arose.
The diachronic part gave an analysis of how the polysemy in get arose in terms of various reanalyses and the mechanisms driving them.
As noted above, the centrality of dissonance arose from the new priority given to the suspension in a regime of chordal harmony.
The issue of whether the zero-reflexive alternation arose diachronically through elimination of the reflexive object is of secondary importance and is not addressed here.
A similar network arose within the royal monastic ranks also, as is witnessed by the transregional spread of royally supported monastic reform by reforming monks.
Another problem arose from the people who simply did not comprehend travel restrictions.
In the winter of 1788 - 9 a series of new and developing questions arose.
The debates and conflicts which arose between representatives of the old monasticism and the new have been studied in depth, and their polemics closely analysed.
However, an uneasy feeling arose that they were selecting material that supported their argument.
The problem arose from that fact that any remonstrances were implicitly a criticism of the intendant.
In 1890 a chance arose for united action but even here divisions remained.
With the development of emergency medicine, a need arose for evaluation scales that would provide rapid triage and objective status assessment.
Now, from these disanalogies arose a further one.
The same problem arose with patients who reproduced, unconsciously, early painful relationships they had had with their parents in their relationship with their analysts.
They all arose, or at least underwent significant transformations, in the period generally described as the" permissive age".
His resignation arose not so much because an audience was to be debarred from geology, as because women were to be debarred from the audience.
Drainage smells arose because there weren't any drains and could cause damage.
Two specific problems arose in constructing the model: how many helical strands it should contain, and where the bases should be located.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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