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词汇 example_english_antecedent

Examples of antecedent

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
In writing rules we omit set notation for antecedents and sometimes we omit the label when it is not relevant for the context.
Research on mass politics seeks to identify the antecedents of citizens' political attitudes and behaviours.
First, there is the problem of disjunctive antecedents, as in (4).
Thus, reflexives with such antecedents and their interpretation are primarily syntactically-based, just as local reflexives are.
However, those rules consisting of a large number of antecedents may be worth examining as they may refer either to noise or a special case.
Rule-based patterns are composed of a number of primitive patterns (antecedents) connected together with logical connectives that imply, if true, the target class (consequent).
By the same token, different effects imply different causal antecedents.
Who gained ground with those in cataphora only once it had been established as the relative for personal antecedents.
Obstetric complications as antecedents of schizophrenia : empirical effects of using different obstetric complication scales.
Because of their important political effects, there has been plenty of research on the antecedents of political predispositions.
Competencies such as technical capabilities, skills and knowledge are also necessary antecedents for the building of trust in the professional setting of business exchange.
The harsh antiparty politics and discourse of the 1973 military dictatorship had proximate historical antecedents.
Examples (9), (10) and (11a) are all cases of split antecedents.
The following examples involve a variety of quantified antecedents (including, notably, the negative quantifier no).
The ultimate achievement of cognitive archaeology would be to provide descriptions of the cognitive life-world of human antecedents at many points in evolution.
Throughout the course of a conversation, a situation may arise where two or more referents may qualify as suitable antecedents.
They therefore provide few morphosyntactic and no semantic or pragmatic cues for their antecedents.
However, the same effect can be achieved by eliminating he and she and using only one pronoun, presumably it, for antecedents of every gender.
The religious market idea then has its antecedents.
I am assuming that some subjunctive conditionals with impossible antecedents are non-trivially true.
Because the two most active relevant antecedents are of different gender, the use of a personal pronoun is sufficient to disambiguate between them.
Several scholars have suggested that readers resolve pronouns in terms of a restricted number of antecedents that are in focus in working memory.
Only if one conflates correlations and causes is there any hope of identifying certain brain processes with the mechanisms that are their supposed casual antecedents.
Finally, our data suggest that problem behavior begins to escalate very early and that the antecedents of these trajectories are apparent in infancy.
Fetal neurobehavioral antecedents of temperament already are established in human infants.
Can such cases be distinguished by different patterns of antecedents and correlates?
We suggest that to understand contemporary manifestations of racial presumptions, there must be an appreciation of the historical antecedents.
The relationship between traces and their antecedents in movement operations plays a central role in a large class of theories.
Rather, the mediating neural architecture and nature of the antecedents differ.
Models of antecedents fall into two categories: autochthonous and highland dispersal.
Since their antecedents make no claims concerning the actual assumptions of the natures involved, it is possible that any such counterfactual be false.
Motivations for this are evidenced, including historical antecedents.
The method of interaction with the patient is collaborative description, which explores the antecedents and consequences of behavior and its effects on others.
The aim of deliberation must then be to impose certain constraints on democratic decision processes required for satisfying the antecedents of these 'if-then' results.
Given the importance of joint attention in cognitive and language development, researchers are now beginning to investigate the antecedents of joint attention.
In contrast to the prospective approach, another longitudinal analytic strategy, which could be called a ' retrodictive ' analysis, examines the early antecedents of later language problems.
The examples in (9) show that relative pronoun subjects with plural antecedents may take verbal -s.
To weaken the antecedents to just finite conjunctivity, proofs at the level of predicates seem to be needed.
The figure shows the internal dynamism in anaphoric epicene pronouns brought about by the changes in the antecedents.
The growing concern regarding propriety in all things made classical antecedents important for the justification of all matter or behaviour that might attract censorious attention.
Instead of describing a set of symptoms with multiple causal antecedents, disease names came to be associated with specific organic processes.
The remainder of this paper considers both the nature and antecedents of such successful partnership working in relation to public health nursing.
Inferences that are needed to maintain text coherence may be made routinely by linking anaphora with their antecedents.
A first problem concerns the level of this common working space, shared by early cognitive antecedents of action and late cognitive products of perceptual processing.
As is typical of theoretical proposals, our ideas have antecedents in previous theoretical and empirical efforts.
In the case of cataphora, no antecedents were yet available at the stage at which the listeners encountered the null pronoun.
Not surprisingly they should therefore be more consistent in disregarding subjects as antecedents in the anaphoric than in the cataphoric condition.
Because stable antisocial patterns are often already present in childhood, it is important to examine antecedents of disruptive problems as early as the preschool years.
The ideas that evolve, and are subsequently espoused, have antecedents in the prior paradigm.
The emphasis of this theory is on the antecedents of the aggressive reaction, particularly goal blocking, heightened anger, threat, and frustrated expectations.
Similarly, prospective longitudinal highrisk studies have revealed that behavioral antecedents of schizophrenia occurred before the disease.
By understanding the nature and antecedents of dissociative behavior, we learn more about the self.
The main issue of contention presented here is how ancient the antecedents to present-day motherese really are.
The connections between themes or subjects, and their possibly common antecedents were not seriously addressed.
To date, the program has affected the targeted antecedents positively.
Different antecedents and consequences of the leaving home transition might be identified for subsequent attempts.
Two of the papers deal with antecedents of events.
Four papers deal with antecedents and origins of disorders, using different approaches.
The following six chapters then examine the evidence regarding various domains (symptoms, behavioural and biological markers, frontal-executive and temporal-semantic functions, neurochemistry, biological and behavioural antecedents).
In this example, both the matrix subject and the matrix indirect object antecedents can sanction a 3rd person null subject in the embedded clause.
The subsequent selection of one out of the set of structurally possible antecedents involves morphological, semantic and pragmatic factors.
Testing a causal model of hope and its antecedents among chronically ill older adults.
Understanding the antecedents of this variance is the central objective for students of political behaviour, and researchers draw on numerous factors in addressing this task.
The role of deliberation is to bring about situations in which the antecedents of these 'if-then' results are satisfied.
Information was also collected regarding antecedents of flooding in the community or contact with flood water.
First, a set of candidate antecedents is collected, which includes all nominals within a local segment of discourse.
The rules each have two antecedents that must be satisfied in order for the consequent to be true.
Rules with fewer antecedents are generally perceived as being easier to understand and comprehend.
In the 1980s and 1990s, consideration of these sociopolitical antecedents and institutional capacities explains contestation and coordination.
The antecedents of logical consequences are structured as bunches, in which there are two ways to combine operations that display additive and multiplicative behavior, respectively.
Cross-tabulation of our own data revealed interaction between existential constructions and indefinite antecedents.
Subjective meaning is not just the referential meanings of words, but also the historical antecedents of words/expressions and their connotations.
A set of three discourse topics, the current situation, its antecedents and its implications, is identified as constituting the subject matter of the articles.
She advances types of relationship between consequents and antecedents (wtpye1) and assigns the link a strength (wtype2).
Of these, only 4 (5 %) were preceded by 2 semantically similar antecedents.
However, the recent globalisation of indigenous movements stems from some identifiable antecedents in the latter half of the twentieth century.
The latter type is referred to as ambient antecedents in the following discussion.
Subjunctive conditionals with impossible antecedents are not always trivially true.
According to contemporary philosophical lore, counterpossibles - that is, counterfactual conditionals with impossible antecedents - are one and all trivially true.
Furthermore, the idea that high-attachment preferences for genitive antecedents reflect a disguised low-attachment preference (due to possessor movement) probably does not hold crosslinguistically.
The result showed that almost all participants pointed out correct antecedents for these two distracters.
The antecedents and consequences of the biased portrayals (of old and young people) are discussed from a psychological perspective.
Our central objective in this exercise is to determine whether personality attributes do, in fact, function as antecedents of mass attitudes and behaviours.
Many of these developments blend smoothly into their antecedents and later elaborations.
As to the nineteenth-century antecedents, a natural opening and transition offered itself.
We are not claiming that an account is a verisimilitudinous description of the antecedents of action on each and every occasion.
Often the antecedents are forgotten and only the behaviour is remembered.
One can plausibly trace antecedents back even further.
They then proceed with a particular dwelling type, the choice of which, unlike planning antecedents up until the late 1950s, is barely consistent.
How distinguishable these two components are in terms of their antecedents and consequences remains to be explored further.
Our assessment of individual functioning concerns patterns of operating factors that are known antecedents in the process of persistent criminality.
Family, school, and behavioral antecedents to adolescent involvement with antisocial peers.
Parenting antecedents of psychological control were examined in a longitudinal study following over 400 kindergar ten children over 5 years.
I allow unique antecedents to be further restricted through emphasis of some relevant aspect, as in or.
Pronoun without antecedents: how do we know when a pronoun is referential?
Direct longitudinal evidence is needed on the early antecedents of attention problems.
Earlier in the book, emotions were argued to be causal antecedents to a variety of mental and behavioural events, including retrieved memories.
A lifecourse perspective provides evidence of the antecedents of friendship strategies in late life.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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