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词汇 example_english_aggregate

Examples of aggregate

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
The clustered chromosomes aggregated very closely and irregularly, whereas normal ones were arranged on the equatorial plane in a circle at regular intervals.
The second series of experiments was designed to test the effects of ploidy and involved aggregating a big diploid cell with a big tetraploid cell.
The overall magnitude of visual input enhancement was addressed by calculating and aggregating effect size d values.
The microenvironment created by non-blocking embryos in aggregates may rescue blocking embryos via cell-embryo adherent contacts.
The microenvironment created by nonblocking embryos in aggregates may rescue blocking embryos via cell-embryo adherent contacts.
The results are roughly the same using either individual or aggregated data for each country.
Political institutions and procedures provide means by which various kinds of information can be aggregated, thus forming vital channels of communication.
To do so history still needs to find ways of aggregating, not just particularizing, its subjects.
How is feedback aggregated so that it can be useful to participants in their trusting decisions?
Separate target-participants may be replaced by their aggregates when they equilibriate on a timescale at least as fast as the timescale of the problem itself.
Large nuclei contained bulky heterochromatin aggregates and distinct nucleoli.
The stability of transmembrane aggregates of simple proteins is often only marginal and can therefore be regulated by environmental signals or small sequence modifications.
Various methods of aggregating ratings and incentivising agents to return ratings were discussed.
From a serial performance perspective, we gain performance by aggregating computations over like type.
There are also various applications to scene analysis, including a controversial attempt to analyse human faces as aggregates of a number of basic types.
Another detached pre-migrant was partially enclosed (over 10-25 % of its surface area) by large aggregates of host alveolar exudate.
We assumed that the physical aggregates, if they exist, had to be small, otherwise they would be easily detectable.
In the liver, only single macrophages were dispersed in the hepatic parenchyma, where they never aggregated and never contained melanin.
Arguments have been presented that such structures are capable of aggregating only with the same element of structure from a different (antiparallel) molecule.
Properties of soil aggregates as influenced by tillage practices.
Plasma-membrane-bound macromolecules are dynamically aggregated to form non-random co-distribution patterns of selected functional elements.
Protofibrils, pores, fibrils, and neurodegeneration: separating the responsible protein aggregates from the innocent bystanders.
Objectives might be aggregated into a single objective under a number of constraints.
Immunolabeling of fixed cells suggested that this gathering of aggregates forms an aggresome-like structure.
The simple-sum approach is invalid in such a case, because the method requires that the monetary components of the aggregates be perfect substitutes.
No attention was paid to the monetary aggregates.
We conclude that it is important to account for both nonlinearity and the behavior of monetary aggregates when forecasting inflation.
Therefore, we also purge monetary aggregates from residual seasonal variations before they are used in bivariate forecasting models.
In particular, we investigate the ability of the two statistical indexes to extract the nonlinear structure from the estimated exact aggregate's time series.
Here we study the interactions among real and financial aggregates across countries and their international linkages, with two goals in mind.
The year-over-year seasonal indexes defined by (9) and (10) can be aggregated further into an annual index.
We have chosen to consider only micelles of a given fixed size, thus lumping all intermediate aggregates into our effective reaction rates.
Moreover, previous work looked only at large regional aggregates, while this paper offers results for individual countries.
Minor centers were aggregates of pyramids and range-type structures on raised platforms.
The common ontological layer not only ensures data consistency in a given phase but also helps in aggregating information across products in a product family.
Parasite species were found to be aggregated both intra- and interspecifically.
Response categories are aggregated to show the significant differences.
When a sensory pattern is encountered, a process of scanning and aggregating the exemplars would take place in order to determine the category.
Meanwhile, future modeling work should fully exploit the richness of reading eye movements and be wary of the limitations of aggregated data.
They form collectives, as cell aggregates, neural centers, and coordinated neural centers.
The system is expensive of time and energy but produces fine soil aggregates to planting depth with serious risks of compaction deeper in the profile.
One of the main concerns about morpheme order studies is the scoring procedure using aggregated, cross-sectional group data.
Most mosquitoes were aggregated around the rear of the flight section.
Now with multiple objectives to management, foresters have to deal with aggregating disparate social preferences into a common plan.
Ratings were aggregated by averaging across all four ratings.
The ultimate effects of initial cost internalization on economic aggregates would have to be modelled according to prevailing price elasticities and technological (production) structures.
To be useful for policy purposes, the benefits estimated were aggregated to a relevant population.
The next section aggregates these results across firms.
The vertisol soil is high in clay and strongly aggregated, whilst the regosol is sandier and less well-structured.
Also, aggregated labour input per hectare was discounted by 50%.
As a result, full completeness is not required - agents only need to judge relevant premises, and only socially relevant premises need to be aggregated.
The crucial difference between aggregating preference orderings and aggregating sets of judgments is this.
They occurred in very loose aggregates of individuals and from their history and hopper coloration could be referred to ph. dissocians.
In the absence of the complementary globin chains, the excess unbound - or -globin protein aggregates and precipitates, damaging cell membranes and leading to premature destruction.
An intensely debated question is whether prefibrillar aggregates (oligomers, protofibrils) or fibrils are responsible for the underlying cytotoxicity in protein-misfolding diseases.
Alteration is variable: absent in many crystals, in others producing dense sericite aggregates which may show some recrystallization effects to produce coarser-grained white mica.
The tridymite crystals are rectangular or wedge-shaped and are sometimes arranged in aggregates.
The quartz aggregates show a crystallographic preferred orientation.
Other samples have glomerocrystic aggregates of plagioclase and pyroxene.
Phenocrysts of olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene occasionally occur as glomerophyric aggregates in the porphyrytic samples.
They created aggregates of simple polyglutamine peptides in vitro and introduced them to mammalian cells in culture.
Wetting behaviour of partial melts during crustal anatexis: the distribution of hydrous silicic melts in polycrystalline aggregates of quartz.
Quartz-feldspar ribbons and aggregates define a mineral stretching lineation.
We therefore standardized and aggregated the two scores for each emotion to produce single indexes of teacherrepor ted happiness, anger, sadness, and fear expression.
A similar winter peak and summer trough seasonal pattern was seen for both males and females when aggregated by age (data not shown).
The chemistry inside grain aggregates oscillates between two regimes depending on whether the host phase is diffuse or dense.
In either hypothesis, grain aggregates are an ideal factory (stable and reducing environment) for the ingredients needed to start life early and quickly.
Using these aggregates and the stock of durable goods, we estimate the elasticities of substitution between various consumption goods and monetary assets.
Left : vesicles aggregating via non-specific forces, showing deformation stresses.
Dispersed and aggregated gap junction channels identified by immunogold labeling of freeze-fractured membranes.
Once formed, the nucleus grows rapidly and forms larger aggregates or fibrils (white triangles), which dissociate at some stage in order to produce new nuclei.
Cells with the giant lipid body aggregates were turgid and had discernible organelles.
The proposed semantics is shown to be translatable into stable model semantics of logic programs with aggregates.
Note that, differently from task (a), the logic program generated here does not contain aggregates.
We introduce aggregates in the context of many-sorted first-order logic.
We thus predict that new recruits, especially those of the least shade-tolerant species, will be aggregated.
Note that both built-in predicates and aggregates are supported.
By allowing aggregates in the language, such applications of recursion can be avoided.
The causal interaction between ingredients of these aggregates and throughout the temporal sequence of them is complex indeed.
Dispensing data were aggregated to the pharmacy level by calculating a proportion of customers/drugs fulfilling the criteria indicated by each dispensing indicator.
If the ratio is significantly > 1, plants are aggregated.
Small clusters of c. 20 m radius amalgamated to compose large aggregates of several hectares.
Second, my argument aggregates the good of lives saved.
In this paper, we will focus only on aggregates with one set argument but our theory can be extended easily to the more general case.
Although the supported model semantics is generally considered to be a weak semantics there are problems with aggregates for which it is the appropriate semantics.
While, programs stratified with respect to aggregates can be used in many applications, more advanced applications require the use of aggregates in more general settings.
A high extracellular concentration of counting factor is interpreted by the cells of indicating a large number of cells within an aggregating stream.
Receptor aggregates (spontaneous or induced by laminin-1) are clearly not randomly distributed on a nanometer scale.
If this were true we would have expected similar outcomes from laminin induced and spontaneous aggregates, which were not observed.
The techniques for ensuring sufficient comparability and quality and for aggregating the information are what constitute the "cumulative" part of the methodology.
Expenditures were aggregated by cost center, with each cost center assigned to one of the three services.
At 30 hours after seeding suspension cultures, cells formed irregular shaped, non-spherical aggregates that were less tightly packed than control aggregates.
Shetlanders see classes as aggregates of people who are ranked or arranged like layers on a cake.
The agent suggestions are then aggregated and used to create a set of new, team-modified designs.
The development of filamentous bacterial structures leads to biological aggregates with low density and poor settling properties, usually called "bulking sludge".
Most of the bacterial cells are within the aggregates, with a smaller number of plankton cells visible in the images.
Scores on the individual scales were aggregated to create scores for total internalizing problems and total externalizing problems.
However, the pattern for parental task orientation and support was clear enough across the analyses to warrant the creation of the aggregates described.
Most convincing, however, are data from randomized intervention trials that show alarming iatrogenic effects for aggregating high-risk peers.
To form the behavioral control index, we standardized each of these three subscales and then aggregated the three standardized scores.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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