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词汇 dichromatic

Examples of dichromatic

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In contrast, most primates are dichromatic, although the spider monkey is tetrachromatic.
The dichromatic humans, like the dichromatic animals, were tested with the 500-nm long-pass and 500-nm shor t-pass stimuli.
Indeed, the interview with dichromatic observers after the experiment revealed that they did not even know that there were three different kinds of stimuli.
The females presumably included various dichromatic and trichromatic phenotypes.
However, her protanope observer also required a three-dimensional color space with a residual red-green dimension that is not expected from a dichromatic perceptual space.
No large differences in radial bias, or overlap, were seen on comparing retinae from dichromatic and trichromatic animals.
However, dichromatic humans require stimuli up to about 0.4 log units above detection intensity to see cer tain colors.
We approached this question by measuring the color-vision sensitivity of species with normally dichromatic color vision.
The color-normal trichromatic humans and dichromatic animals discriminated color near detection threshold.
The dichromatic forms, the most severe red-green color-vision deficiencies, are classified into two types, protanopia and deuteranopia.
It was found that in dichromatic vision the number of discernible colors was about 7% of that perceived in normal trichromatic vision.
This result is attributed to a normative language system that dichromatic observers developed by learning subtle visual cues to compensate for their impoverished color system.
In the current study, we compared the retinas of dichromatic and trichromatic marmosets.
Among these were 31 protanopes and 56 deuteranopes, as well as one dichromatic subject who presented with a unique pattern of color matching.
If such a spectral neutral point is identified, then the animal is considered dichromatic.
To ascertain the significance of the dichromatic results, we compared them to the 5% and 95% percentile values of the trichromat group.
Of the 150 male subjects, a total of 88 were eventually diagnosed as dichromatic.
In the present work a dichromatic subject was tested as a positive control.





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