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词汇 cordierite

Examples of cordierite

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Progressive non-coaxial deformation continued in the southeastern antiform and is recorded by late-synkinematic growth of cordierite.
Alteration of cordierite to pinite, a fine intergrowth of muscovite and chlorite, is common.
These include tourmaline- leucogranites and coarse-grained two-mica granites containing pseudomorphs after cordierite.
In highly strained parts, cordierite in the matrix might be boudinaged.
Photomicrographs of a garnet-staurolite-andalusite- cordierite schist (assemblage 5c).
Cor roded inclusions of andalusite in cordierite indicate that cordierite is younger than andalusite.
Breakdown of garnet + sillimanite + spinel-bearing assemblages to cordierite shows subsequent re-equilibration to lower pressures.
The leucocratic gneiss is commonly garnet + sillimanite + cordierite bearing, and massive to weakly foliated.
Garnet is strongly resorbed and commonly replaced by secondary cordierite-quartz or biotite-plagioclase intergrowths.
Zircon (100-250 m) and monazite (up to 300 m) occur mostly as inclusions within garnet and cordierite.
The aggregates are mantled by cordierite.
Cordierite pseudomor phs after lensoid andalusite, preserving convex inclusion trails and relics of andalusite, are observed as well.
Cordierite occurs along the compositional layers and also as large pur ple crystals.
Al-rich gneiss from the khondalites preserves decompression assemblages represented by cordierite coronas and cordierite + orthopyroxene or cordierite + spinel symplectites, replacing the peak assemblages of garnet + sillimanite + biotite + quartz.
The shallower samples also show exhaustion of primary muscovite and cordierite both within the peripheral parts of the garnet and as 'corona', after garnet, suggesting mica-dehydration melting and decompression.
Si in cordierite is deflected around garnet.





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