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词汇 collocation_english_activity

Collocations with activity

These are words often used in combination with activity.

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academic activity
Architecture predates the academic activity.
activity participation
Therefore, stable parent activity participation is assumed a requisite to any impact on child-related adjustment.
agricultural activity
There is no grazing, nor any other agricultural activity.
antimicrobial activity
The second requires a relationship between antimicrobial activity and the physiological state of the microbe, which is the case for a number of antibiotics.
antioxidant activity
Percentage values for germination and antioxidant activity were arcsinetransformed prior to analysis (untransformed data appear in all tables and figures).
artistic activity
Musical and artistic activity helps us to make sense of our world and make sense of ourselves as human beings with feelings within the world.
banking activity
This is true both for measures of banking activity, and for measures of stock market development.
biological activity
The striving to integrate and cohesively direct action is a basic form of biological activity.
burst of activity
There are some early prescriptions and musings, but the advent of sound on film occasioned the first burst of activity in the 1930s.
catalytic activity
It is suggested that the results of the present study show the influence of temperature in promoting catalytic activity.
challenging activity
The simple fact is that there is a risk attached to any challenging activity.
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charitable activity
The second considers recurrent policy proposals to induce voluntary charitable activity by reducing welfare state expenditure.
civic activity
That is not dissension; it is the first stage of civic activity in the exercise of democratic rights.
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clandestine activity
Aside from some minor skirmishes, however, it did not as local rebels preferred clandestine activity, and self-preservation, to open confrontation.
classroom activity
In what ways do learners and teachers participate in language classroom activity?
collaborative activity
The studies reviewed exemplify the process of mediation and the effects of differing mediation tools on the collaborative activity.
commercial activity
In 2004, it is hardly a hive of commercial activity.
conservation activity
In my area we are not seeing the progress in insulation and conservation activity that we hoped to see.
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constructive activity
We attempted to make each one of them a constructive activity that could be motivated by the child's own modulated emotion.
cooperative activity
They both overlook the fact that legal practice is a cooperative activity.
covert activity
The key aspect of our definition is that corrupt rent-seeking is an illicit and covert activity.
craft activity
Together they emancipated the art of experiment from being a mere craft activity and endowed it with the status of a science.
creative activity
Some things emerge from human creative activity.
criminal activity
They are not really designed to reduce drug-taking or criminal activity; they seldom do either.
cultural activity
Art was not a sector of cultural activity.
daily activity
Five themes emerged that were related to level of daily activity.
daytime activity
Evidence for improving sleep hygiene by increasing daytime activity and light exposure can be generalized to patients with dementia.
destructive activity
They might pass on from this beneficent destructive activity to something more atomic.
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diplomatic activity
The diplomatic activity was an attempt to build up support among several non-aligned nations.
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educational activity
Educational activity did play some role in initiating urban activity.
electrical activity
The development of electrical activity was thereby hindered.
entrepreneurial activity
Income from private farming remains rare and entrepreneurial activity is not a common income source for those past pension age.
enzymatic activity
Removal of the cotyledons strongly diminished enzymatic activity in the embryonic axis.
espionage activity
This can be interpreted as a drastically reduced form of a more articulated microfoundation of the espionage activity.
everyday activity
Preschoolers' questions and parents' explanations : causal thinking in everyday activity.
exercise activity
The garrison maintains a constant vigilance and undertakes much realistic training and exercise activity.
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exploration activity
But in recent years a major motivation has been the increased exploration activity for oil and gas in thrust belts.
extracurricular activity
This includes the tensions felt between its other role, as an extracurricular activity.
farming activity
Farming activity itself stops at a safe distance from the grove for the same reason.
fishing activity
Ownership of another consumer good, the refrigerator/freezer, also played a role in fishing activity.
fitness activities
Practices of body optimisation generally involve fitness activities and body modification techniques.
flurry of activity
Thus, in a relative flurry of activity, we have four complete editions of the work within a generation, or one every ten years or so.
fraudulent activity
We hope to provide the same degree of security and prevention of fraudulent activity in the new voting mechanisms.
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fund-raising activity
I pay tribute to all those involved in that fund-raising activity.
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gang activity
One is the development of gang activity and gang violence.
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governmental activity
This development would provide the starting point for a radical reorganization and extension of governmental activity.
guerrilla activity
Despite the 'wishful thinking' of some observers, reports that had recently crossed his desk noted that guerrilla activity was ineffective and over-valued because of poor training and leadership.
hive of activity
Since he has taken office, the second pillar has been a hive of activity.
From Europarl Parallel Corpus - English
human activity
Virtually any human activity involves some risk.
hurricane activity
Results indicate that the tropical montane cloud forest presents a differential treefall regime derived from the great hurricane activity to which this mountain range is exposed.
illegal activity
Any opium seized as the result of illegal activity was to be confiscated.
illicit activity
Forecasting levels of illicit activity is by its nature always difficult.
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improper activity
Can he confirm that there is no question of any improper activity by the police?
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increased activity
Filled squares: increased activity related to planning; empty squares: increased activity related to on-line control; filled circles: increased activity related to motor imagery.
increasing activity
Linear regression lines are shown fitted to the phase of steadily increasing activity during approach.
indoor activity
Recordings took place in naturalistic situations while the child was engaged in everyday indoor activities with one of his parents, mostly free play and storytelling.
industrial activity
All this industrial activity created a large employment base.
intellectual activity
It appears that the possibility of divine intellectual activity depends on the possession of certain properties while the existence of properties in general depends upon divine intellectual activity.
intense activity
The 1980s were a period of intense activity for feminists.
interactive activity
Monitoring is mostly a "batch" activity whereas debugging is mostly an interactive activity.
lawful activity
The potential jaywalker might consult the no-jaywalking rule to determine whether jaywalking is a lawful activity.
learning activity
Rationale triggers are the reasons that trigger a learning activity.
legislative activity
It almost certainly explains an oddity of his legislative activity in 1776.
leisure activity
The ' oldest old ' are not often included in social surveys, and studies of their leisure activity participation are hard to find.
leisure-time activity
Walking and leisure-time activity and risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women.
literacy activity
The monolingual children may also have more exposure to informal literacy activities than the bilingual children.
lobbying activity
Through boycotts and lobbying activity, consumer groups exerted ' pull' and ' push' effects on producers.
locomotor activity
Time-dose relationships for locomotor activity effects of morphine after acute or repeated treatment.
magnetic activity
This plot describes the total power profile recorded from the 148 coils that sample magnetic activity over the head of the recorded individual.
meaningful activity
The two main issues raised about retirement were compulsory retirement and meaningful activity in retirement.
mental activity
Perhaps, cerebral activation is the physiological basis underlying mental activity.
merger activity
Yet the structure of the insurance market has changed in recent years as evidenced by the extensive merger activity.
metabolic activity
The biofilm's physical properties play important roles in controlling its metabolic activity and its ability to adhere to the substratum and itself.
microbial activity
A microbiological ecosystem occurs whereby crystallized salt, lying in near-saturated salt water, is laden with microbial activity.
missionary activity
They also cooperated in campaigns against missionary activity and women's emancipation.
monitoring activity
The monitoring semantic functions actually perform the monitoring activity.
motor activity
In fact, their motor activity always started too early at 0g, with time shifts in accord with a 1g hypothesis.
mundane activity
The mundane activity of their inhabitants, however, plays havoc with our established categories of thought.
muscle activity
Conversely, zygomatic muscle activity increases incrementally with positive valence ratings.
musical activity
This may relate to pupils' attitudes to musical activity.
nefarious activities
I do not believe that any such nefarious activities would ever be indulged in by manufacturers of cars in this country.
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neural activity
But this neural activity is not sufficient to produce the dancing.
neuronal activity
Second, elevated and synchronized neuronal activity facilitates neurogenesis in the dentate.
normal activity
Variably defined as < 50% or < 70% of normal activity.
ongoing activity
Recall that this cell had no ongoing activity.
online activity
To credit all online activity with this impact is foolhardy.
outdoor activity
We should encourage this outdoor activity.
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paranormal activity
Paranormal activity is regularly reported in this area.

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partisan activity
There were few restrictions on partisan activity and the registering of new candidates, reflecting the domination of small regional parties.
philanthropic activity
The list of nominees shows that most had extensive experience of voluntary work, in political organizations, local government, or philanthropic activity.
physical activity
Measuring physical activity among adolescents.
planned activity
Assessment of carer needs was subsumed within the patient assessment and was generally an opportunistic rather than a planned activity.
planning activity
The intensification of family planning activity in 1973 and in the years thereafter is quite apparent.
pleasurable activity
This did not preclude much pleasurable activity, including piano study, many happy trips, and continuation of an extremely enjoyable professional practice.
productive activity
That is, merchants' intermediation activity crowds out their productive activity.
professional activity
Symons anticipated the future of cultural criticism as a professional activity, and these essays equate critical perception with a statement of potentially exclusive expertise.
promotional activity
Much of the pre-release promotional activity thus seems plausibly in sync with the planned withdrawal as a marketing strategy.
questionable activity
There was insufficient evidence to prosecute, but questionable activities were certainly taking place.
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range of activity
What is the other range of activity?
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recreational activity
Is this healthcare or a recreational activity?
recruitment activity
It will help to underpin effective national recruitment activity, to promote return to practice and to ensure that there is modern, up-to-date careers advice.
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reduced activity
Reduced activity is the most consistent factor found to be associated with poor outcome following the onset of infectious mononucleosis.
regular activity
Moreover, there is a natural link between stories and children, especially in contexts where storytelling is a regular activity.
regulatory activity
There were no associations between days of use and the other two child measures, negative reactivity to separation and initial regulatory activity.
religious activity
However, religious preference is not the same as religious activity.
risky activity
The result is that we maintain an uninfected corpus that will require the same excessive care in the future, when similar risky activity is undertaken.
ritual activity
In fact, ritual activity is one of the primary indicators of status differentiation among domestic groups.
scholarly activity
Another significant omission is any discussion of geography, climatology and environmental history, all areas where there is considerable scholarly activity.
scope of activity
Within the ordinary banking sector, banks were further divided according to size and scope of activity into city or large commercial banks, regional banks and second-tier regional banks.
seismic activity
Discrepancies between measured and predicted values of radon indicate likely seismic activity.
settlement activity
Possibly too many developments are designated as 'classic' forms of settlement activity.
solar activity
One reason for the timing was that this would be a period of low solar activity.
solitary activity
It was used to confirm the division of activity into informal, formal and solitary activity dimensions.
sphere of activity
During the antebellum decades, just what sphere of activity the national government encompassed was debated amidst growing conflict-class, ethnic, partisan, and sectional.
spontaneous activity
The origin of spontaneous activity in developing networks of vertebrate nervous system.
sporting activity
Exercise, and participation in sporting activity, comprise an integral part of the development of a child and the quality of life for young adults.
stimulating activity
Apart from heparin there are several drugs with capacitation stimulating activity.
strenuous activity
Added to the evidence for strenuous activity, this suggests that exertion in hot conditions was common.
student activity
It is far preferable that a large area of student activity is under direct student control.
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subsistence activity
Most of the inhabitants of outlying islands engage in subsistence activity only.

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subversive activity
With the coming of democratic processes and the struggle for a multi-party system, theatre lost its leading role in politically subversive activity.
sunspot activity
Blackouts caused by sunspot activity made communication difficult and sometimes impossible, resulting in a backlog of delayed traffic when the blackout ended.
surveillance activities
As to its uses it too would be used for surveillance activities.
suspicious activity
Police ruled out any suspicious activity.

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trading activity
In between these two extremes, there is a continuum of equilibria with concurrent search, "intermediated" trading activity, and valued money.
transcriptional activity
In addition, it was observed that the greater the transcriptional activity, the more the meiotic capacity was impaired.
unlawful activity
These representations have variously complained about this unlawful activity, or suggested that its continuance might argue for the introduction of domestic, major lotteries.
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vigorous activity
In general, the levels of activity were low, with few reporting vigorous activity.
violent activity
I never supported violent activity.

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volcanic activity
Volcanic activity continued to provide ash layers.
volunteer activity
A new feature of volunteer activity was the greater use of drills and military discipline.
youth activity
All those areas of youth activity have been drastically cut during government and local authority cuts in spending.
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