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词汇 agouti

Examples of agouti

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Thus, for the purpose of our analysis, the mainland sites and six islands support agouti, while seven islands do not.
We recorded the location of dens or refugees during early morning and late-evening tracking of collared agoutis.
The majority of fruits that are gnawed open by agoutis are 1-2 y old.
In all cases, the scatterhoarding behaviour of agoutis ensures high seed survival and enhances regeneration, while non-scatterhoarded seeds provide food to the rodents.
For agoutis, the time of food scarcity was probably adequately described by the 2-km transects.
Captive agoutis and squirrels readily ate larvae when presented without the surrounding endocarp, and preferred larvae to seeds.
In contrast, the agouti showed no seasonal differences in stomach content mass but two in percentages of fruit and one in percentages of leaves.
We compared agouti movement with the locations of refuges and food trees, and the results suggest that the agoutis are central-place foragers.
Occurrences were similar to those of the agouti except that seeds were more frequent, leaves and insects less frequent, and fibre present in all stomachs.
We also gave larvae and seeds to captive agoutis, but not in an experimental setup, because these animals were not individually housed.
In both the agouti and the paca, leaf and fibre consumption was highest in periods of fruit scarcity and in the period of increasing fruiting.
These data were used to measure short-term movements and identify associations between agoutis and habitats.
Thus, female acouchies ate more fibre annually and seasonally than did males, female agoutis ate more leaves annually, and female pacas ate less fibre seasonally.
Dental marks on 26 endocarps left at the tent pegs showed that this handling was by agoutis and squirrels.
Nevertheless, agoutis and squirrels in our field experiment did not discriminate between endocarps with larvae and endocarps with intact seeds, in disagreement with our prediction.
Holes were in the middle of the endocarp: agoutis hold the endocarps horizontally and gnaw at them with the lower jaw.
All sightings of ear-tagged agoutis were also recorded and used to determine their home-range areas.
Insectivory by agoutis is not as well documented, but several researchers report use of animal matter.
Due to the consistency in tooth mark size and hole appearance, all endocarps with centred holes were assumed to have been made by agoutis.
With agouti present, and also when other medium-size mammals were present, seed and pod removal was significant.





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