词汇 | unary |
释义 | BETA Examples of unaryunary isn’t in the Cambridge Dictionary yet. You can help! In this section we illustrate the bialgebraic description of class specifications and class implementations in the case of unary methods. Indeed, it is not yet clear what should be the definition of a -closed unary relation. The results in this paper on the unary partial recursive functions can be generalized to the /c-ary ones. The language extends simple arithmetic (with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) by adding user-definable constants (abbreviations) and user-definable unary functions. Furthermore, there are unary rules rewriting this start category into each of the relevant maximal projections. Each method provides a toolkit for constructing parsers for expressions involving at least infix binary and prefix unary operators. It is easy to add, for example, unary and binary operations and corresponding function types and additional function-application typing rules. These are the inputs and outputs of the circuit that can be seen as computing the binary sum of its unary inputs. Expressions in most programming languages are built from a number of infix binary and prefix (and sometimes postfix) unary operators. The reciprocal should be thought of as a unary version of division, like negation is a unary version of subtraction. Such algebras are called finitely collapsing unary algebras. Regular expressions contains two kinds of symbols: unary symbols and symbol pairs. A propagator for a constraint that performs forward checking is activated whenever the constraint becomes unary. When the original domains are all unary or binary, rule consistency coincides with arc consistency. These can easily be eliminated by introducing appropriate unary predicates. |