词汇 | topics_travel_space-travel |
释义 | Space travelSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. aerospace airlock astronaut astronautics autopilot avionics biosatellite blast blast off booster capsule command module cosmonaut earthbound escape velocity EVA flyby flying saucer FTL heat shield intergalactic jetpack lander launch launch pad launcher lift-off manned mission control module moon buggy moonshot moonwalk moonwalking mother ship NASA nose cone orbiter payload post-landing relaunch retrorocket rocket rocket science rocket scientist rocket ship shuttle soft landing space capsule space probe space shuttle space station space tourism space tourist spacecraft spacefarer spacefaring spaceman spaceplane spaceship spacesuit spacewalk spacewoman splashdown stage starship Tardis terraform touchdown tracking station UAP UFO ufology unidentified aerial phenomenon unidentified anomalous phenomenon unidentified flying object unmanned |