词汇 | topics_technology_operating-computers |
释义 | Operating computersSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. access admin administrator aliasing always-on attach attachment authoring avatar back back someone up bitmap black hat BMP bring bring someone up call call someone up caps lock check box click click on something clickable compress compression computational computational linguist computational linguistic computational linguistics computationally computer-illiterate computer-literacy computer-literate computerate computerization computerize computerized control key copy copy someone in copy someone in on something crack cracker cut cyberactor data centre decrypt defragment dialog box digital citizen digital detox digital divide digital immigrant digital native digitalize digitize double-click download drag drill drill down drive-by download drop-down menu dump eavesdrop eavesdropper eavesdropping encrypt enter error message escape exit exit from something export exportable fat finger fat-fingered file directory fire fire someone up flag format function gain access to someone/something hack hacker hacktivism hacktivist hamburger hash hashtag have access to someone/something host hot key hover import in-game input install installation interactive interactively interface interrogate interrogation key key something in keyboard keyboard shortcut keyboarder keystroke left-click live streamer load log log in/on log off/out login logout loop malicious maximize minimize miswrite mount mouse mouse over something munging navigational navigationally network networking one-time password open OTP overwrite parallel paste Photoshop populate pre-populate preload pull pull someone up punch punch card punch in rasterization rasterize reboot refire reformat reimage reimport reinstall reinstallation rekey rekeyboard reset retag right-click roll roll over save screen share scroll scroll bar search searchable serial server farm session setup wizard sign sign in sign out Skype spellcheck start (something) up stream streamer stylus subnetwork superuser surf swipe tab key tag tagged tagging tap tap in taskbar technophobe telecottage telecottaging the digerati tick box ticket title bar toggle toolbar touchless touchpad touchpoint touchscreen trackpad UI uncap uncheck uncompressed uninstall unmount unmounted untag untagged untechnical untick unzip upload user interface username vectorization vectorize virtualization virtualize wake word white hat wizard write YouTuber zip zip file Zoomer |