词汇 | topics_technology_conventions-used-on-the-internet-and-in-email |
释义 | Internet, email and texting conventionsSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. a/s/l afaik afk at backslash backward slash backwards slash bak BC bcc bcnu bf Bitmoji brb btw cc cu dot dotcom emoji emoticon f2f FOMO forward slash fwiw fya gmta gtg hhok hth ICYMI idk iirc ikr imho imo iow IP address IRL IYKYK JIT l8r leet lmao lol lolz mute mutual myob nbd ngl NSFW oic OOO otoh personalization pita pmji POV reel review bomb review bombing rofl rotf rotfl rotflol smh smiley subject line tafn tag tbf tbh thnq thx tia TIL TLDR tptb ttfn unfollow unmute untag YMMV YOLO |