词汇 | topics_religion_religious-beliefs-and-atheistic-beliefs |
释义 | Religious beliefs & atheistic beliefsSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. agnostic agnosticism Anglicanism animism animist anti-Catholic anti-Catholicism anti-Christian anti-Christianity anti-church anti-dogmatic anti-humanism anti-ideological anti-religion anti-religious anticlerical anticlericalism ascetic atheism canon canonical catechism conscientious objection cosmologically creationism credo creed cult deism demiurge doctrinaire doctrinal doctrinally doctrine dogma eschatological eschatology faith faith can move mountainsidiom fetishism fetishistic fundamentalism heresy heretical heretically humanism humanistic humanistically ideological ideologically ideologue ideology idolatry intelligent design intervention Islamism Islamist Jedi juju Mithraic Mithraism monotheism monotheist monotheistic mysticism non-ascetic non-church non-ideological non-practising non-religious non-theological orthodox orthodoxy pagan pantheism pantheistic pantheistically persuasion polytheism polytheistic professed Protestant religion religiose religious religiously samsara scriptural scripturally scripture secular humanism secularism shibboleth superstition superstitious superstitiously teaching theism theodicy theologian theological theologically theology this-worldly transmigration unbelieving unscriptural |