词汇 | topics_plants_deciduous-trees |
释义 | Deciduous treesSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. acacia acer ailanthus alder almond American elm ash aspen baobab basswood beech birch bitter almond black locust blackboy Brazil nut bur oak cajeput catalpa chestnut chinaberry Chinese chestnut citron copper beech cottonwood crape myrtle elm ficus flowering dogwood fringe tree ginkgo hawthorn hazel hickory honey locust hornbeam horse chestnut huisache Japanese maple japonica Judas tree katsura tree kurrajong laburnum lime linden liquidambar magnolia maidenhair tree maple mimosa mountain ash mulga myrtle oak paper birch paperbark paulownia pin oak plane poplar post oak pussy willow quaking aspen red maple red oak rowan rubber tree sakura sassafras service tree shea tree silver birch silver maple slippery elm spotted gum stringybark sugar maple sweet chestnut sweetgum sycamore tamarack tamarisk teak tree of heaven tulip poplar tulip tree tupelo vine maple wayfaring tree weeping willow white ash white birch white oak whitebeam willow winterberry witch hazel wych hazel yellow poplar |