词汇 | topics_medicine_medical-examination |
释义 | Medical examinationSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. -scopy anechoic angiocardiography angiogram angiography audiogram audiological audiometer auscultate auscultation autopsy BAL barium meal barium swallow biopsic biopsy blood blood count blood test blood typing blood work bone density scan bronchoalveolar lavage cardiogram cardiography CAT scan CBC cervical smear check-up chorionic villus sampling clinically clinicopathologic colonography colonoscopy colposcopy complete blood count computed tomography computerized tomography cross-sectional ct CT colonography CT scan CVS cystoscopy dioptre ECG echocardiogram echocardiograph echocardiographic echocardiography echogenic echogenicity EEG EKG electrocardiogram electroencephalogram electroencephalograph electrogram electromyogram electromyographic electromyography EMG endoscopy exam flexible sigmoidoscopy gastroscopy Gillet test histological histologically hysteroscopy immunohistochemical irradiation laparoscopic laparoscopy laryngoscopy mammogram mammography medical oximetry palpate palpation Pap smear PET scan physical PillCam post-irradiation post-mortem pre-screening pregnancy test pulse pulse oximetry radiogram radiography rescreen retest sample scan scintigraphy scope screen screening sigmoidoscopy smear sonogram sonography specimen SPECT sperm count stress test swab test triage ultrasonography ultrasound well man well woman white coat hypertension X-ray |