词汇 | topics_interest-and-excitement_tedious-and-uninspiring |
释义 | Tedious and uninspiringSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. (as) dull as ditchwateridiom anonymous antiseptic arid banal banally basic be (as) dull as ditchwateridiom bland blandish blandly bone dryidiom boring boringly characterless chestnut chocolate-box cliché clichéd colourless colourlessly cornball cornily corny dead deadly desiccated disinterest ditchwater drab drearily dreary dry dryness dull dullsville dully earthbound faceless fallow featureless flat flat-footed flat-footedly frustrating geeky gray grey greyly hackneyed ho-hum hoary humdrum insipid insipidly leaden leadenly lifeless lifelessness marginal marmoreal meh menial menially middle-aged mind-numbing monochrome monotonous monotonously mouldy mundane mundanely mundanity naff non-news nothing to write home aboutidiom old chestnutidiom old hat one-dimensional overlaboured overworked pallid pallidly pedestrian pen pusher placeless placelessness ponderous ponderously predictable prosaic prosaically prosy routine sad samey shopworn slow slowness soul-destroying soulless soullessly spinach square staid staidly stale staleness sterile stodgily stodgy stolidly stuffily stuffy suburban tame tamely tedious tediously threadbare tired tiresome tiresomely trite tritely triteness turgid turgidly turn off (something) unaffecting unbrilliant uncompelling uncreative uneventful uneventfully unexciting unfashionable unhip uninspiring uninteresting unprepossessing unrewarding unromantic unromantically unsexy unstartling untrendy unwatchable unwatchably viewless watch watch paint dryidiom watch the clockidiom wearisome wearisomely weary well worn white bread worthy write |