词汇 | topics_finance_the-stock-market |
释义 | Stock marketsSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. algo anti-city anti-dilution anti-speculation anti-speculative arbitrage arbitrageur asset management asset-stripping bagger barbell bear bear market bearish bearishly bellwether blue-chip bond bond measure bond referendum bourse broker broking bull bull market bullish buy something in buyback callable capital investment carpetbagger cash cash out sth cashout city controlling copper-bottomed crash dead cat bounce dealing delist dilution disinvest disinvestment distributable diversified diversifier dividend Dow Jones electricals equity ESG exercise an option exposure faller Fibonacci fixed income flotation footsie fund management fund manager future gainer gilt go publicidiom growth-oriented growthy grubstake haircut head fake hedging holding ICO inconvertible industrial initial coin offering insider dealing intangible asset investment issue list listed company management buy-in mature maturity negotiable non-controlling non-convertible non-cumulative non-directional non-discretionary non-distributable non-rated non-speculative noncallable nondiversified OFEX option outgain over-investment overexposed par payback period plan portfolio post-crash principal public pyramid scheme pyramid selling quant redeemable rentier repurchase rig rig the marketidiom rogue trader savings bond security seed money share shareholder short small cap sound speculation speculative speculatively spread betting stag stake stakeholder stock stock exchange stock market stockbroker stockbroker belt stockbroking stockholder strip subscribe tender the Big Board the FTSE 100 the grey market the Nikkei index the S&P 500 the Square Mile trade trader trading Treasury bond underexposed unhedged unissued unit trust unlisted venture capital venture capitalist Wall Street |