词汇 | topics_animal-anatomy_bone-structures |
释义 | Bone structuresSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe SMART Vocabulary cloud shows the related words and phrases you can find in the Cambridge Dictionary that make up this topic. Click on a word to go to the definition. -boned acetabular acetabulum acromial acromioclavicular acromion ala ankylosed ankylosis anvil apophysis ASIS astragalus atlas axial axial skeleton axis backbone ball-and-socket joint bone density bone spur bony breastbone bulla calcaneocuboid calcaneonavicular calcaneum calcaneus calvarium cancellous capitulum carcass carpal carpometacarpal carpus centrum cerebrospinal cervical chine chondrocranium chondrocyte clavicle clavicular coccygeal coccyx collarbone condylar condyle condyloid coracoclavicular coracoid costal coxa craniate craniocerebral craniofacial cranium crest diaphysis diarthrosis diploe disarticulate disc disk enchondroma endochondral endoskeleton endosteal endosteum epicondyle epiphyseal epiphysis ethmoid ethmoidal exoskeleton exostosis false rib femoral femoris femur fenestra fibula fibular floating rib fontanel foramen magnum frontal bone glenoid gnathic gynecoid hamate Haversian canal Haversian system hinge joint hip hip bone hip joint humeral humerus hydroxyapatite hyoid hyoid bone iliac ilium inion innominate bone intercarpal intercondylar intercostal interlaminar interosseous interphalangeal intertarsal intertrochanteric intervertebral intervertebral disc intra-articular ischial ischiocondylar ischiofemoral ischiopubic ischium jaw jawbone jawline joint kneecap knucklebone lamina ligamentum flavum long bone lumborum lumbosacral lunate malleolar malleolus mandible manubrium mastoid mastoid process metacarpal metacarpophalangeal metatarsophalangeal neural arch occipital bone odontoid process olecranon omohyoid os osseous ossicle ossicular osteoblast osteoblastic osteoclast osteoclastic osteocyte osteoid osteological osteologist osteology osteophyte osteotomy parietal parietal bone patella pectoral girdle pelvic pelvic girdle pelvis phalange phalangeal phalanx phrenology postcranial postcranially postorbital prevertebral pterygoid pterygoid process pubis pubofemoral rachis radius rib ribby ribcage sacral sacroiliac sacrospinous sacrotuberous sacrum sagittal scaphoid scapula sciatic sesamoid shinbone shoulder blade shoulder girdle skeletal skeletally skeleton skull sphenoid sphenoidal sphenopalatine spina spinae spinal column spine squama squamosal sternal sternoclavicular sternocostal sternum supracondylar supraspinous fossa sutura sutural suture symphyseal symphysis synarthrodial synarthrosis synchondrosis synovial joint tailbone talus tarsal tarsometatarsal tarsus tegmen temporal bone temporomandibular joint thighbone thoracolumbar tibia tibial tibialis tibiofibular tibiotalar TMJ trapezium trapezoid trapezoidal triquetrum true rib tubercle tuberculum tuberositas tuberosity ulna ulnar ulnaris unciform unjointed vertebra vertebral vertebral column vomer vomerine xiphisternum xiphoid process zygoma zygomatic arch zygomatic bone zygomatic process |