词汇 | thesaurus_yield-to |
释义 | yield toverb These are words and phrases related to yield to. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. HEEDSynonymsheed follow be guided by mind obey accede to defer to concur comply with hold to be ruled by bow to submit to observe respect take notice of listen to consider bear in mind pay attention to take note of give ear to give a thought to take to heart Antonymsignore disregard slight neglect overlook reject refuse turn a deaf ear to be inattentive to treat frivolously INDULGESynonymsindulge cater to serve go along with oblige gratify accommodate give way to give loose rein to treat appease yield to the desires of pamper the whims of coddle pander to baby favor humor mollycoddle humor to excess spoil cosset Antonymsdeny forbid thwart disappoint discipline abstain from OBEYSynonymsacquiesce serve assent concur toe the line submit to bow to succumb to accede to obey comply with be ruled by follow orders respect observe be regulated by abide by conform to be governed by mind heed Antonymsdisobey defy revolt rebel mutiny resist refuse be insubordinate ACCEDESynonymsconcede permit submit to defer to acquiesce surrender to accede consent to approve agree to grant assent to accept concur with subscribe to abide by comply with conform to admit acknowledge endorse Antonymsreject refuse disallow spurn decline veto oppose object to resist protest disapprove demur shy away from balk at |