词汇 | thesaurus_wrought-up |
释义 | wrought upadjective These are words and phrases related to wrought up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. MADSynonymsmad angry furious irate enraged infuriated incensed wrathful exasperated provoked miffed fuming foaming at the mouth boiling over seeing red flushed with anger in high dudgeon worked up riled up in a huff up in arms teed off Slang ticked off Slang ticked Slang Antonymsappeased mollified INDIGNANTSynonymsmiffed Informal huffy Informal put off Informal put out Informal worked up Informal sore Informal on one's high horse Informal steaming Informal indignant incensed offended angry mad infuriated displeased piqued peeved resentful irate provoked riled wrathful fuming Antonymspleased delighted OVERWROUGHTSynonymsoverwrought overexcited excited agitated worked up carried away near hysteria riled greatly disturbed distracted inflamed wild frenzied wild-eyed uneasy perturbed ruffled nervous high-strung oversensitive touchy Antonymscalm tranquil placid unruffled serene unexcited untroubled cool composed unflappable Slang MANICSynonymsmanic frenzied excited agitated hyperactive worked up frantic up Slang high Slang hyped up Slang freaked out Slang switched on Slang Antonymslow sluggish down depressed wrought-upadjective These are words and phrases related to wrought-up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PASSIONATESynonymspassionate impassioned fervent fervid ardent emotional earnest intense fiery fierce furious raging tempestuous excited inflamed feeling heartfelt enthusiastic hot heated vehement intoxicating ecstatic loving amorous desirous lustful sensuous carnal erotic sexy Slang Antonymsdispassionate cold cool apathetic passive lethargic indifferent calm soothing TENSESynonymstense nervous strained taut drawn high-strung tremulous uneasy restless restive fidgety jittery on edge excited agitated shaky fearful apprehensive anxious timorous uptight Slang Antonymsrelaxed loose calm cool collected self-possessed EMOTIONALSynonymsexcitable hysterical high-strung emotional easily affected by emotion temperamental hypersensitive vulnerable responsive demonstrative sentimental passionate impassioned fervent fiery ardent zealous enthusiastic impetuous Antonymsinsensitive unfeeling indifferent apathetic dispassionate undemonstrative unsentimental unresponsive unexcitable HIGH-STRUNGSynonymshigh-strung nervous excitable easily agitated tense uneasy skittish temperamental jumpy edgy restless impatient jittery Slang uptight Slang neurotic oversensitive moody Antonymsphlegmatic calm collected placid stolid even-tempered cool Slang HYSTERICALSynonymshysterical overcome with fear distraught beside oneself distracted uncontrollable frenzied crazed raving worked-up overwrought carried away Informal crazy Informal out of one's wits Informal Antonymscalm composed poised self-possessed FEVERISHSynonymsfrenzied excited restless high-strung feverish ardent fanatic impatient overeager passionate fervent zealous impassioned Antonymscomposed collected cool calm |