词汇 | thesaurus_worried |
释义 | worriedThese are words and phrases related to worried. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of worried. AFRAIDI'm worried that something will go wrong. Synonyms and examplesafraid She was afraid of the dark. frightened Don't be frightened, my dog is quite friendly. scared Are you scared of spiders? petrified He got to the top of the tree and was absolutely petrified he'd fall. terrified I'm terrified of flying. panic-stricken She was panic-stricken when her little boy disappeared. nervous Stop playing with that knife - you're making me nervous! apprehensive He's a bit apprehensive about living away from home. uneasy All this quiet makes me uneasy. give you the creeps Being alone in that big house gives me the creeps. hair-raising The pilots are trained to do hair-raising stunts at low altitude. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of worried. See words related to worriedfear terror dread alarm fright panic phobia Learn more Fear is an unpleasant feeling caused by being worried that something bad or dangerous will happen. If you feel fear, you are afraid. WORRIEDI'm worried that he's not going to graduate. Synonyms and examplesconcerned Aren't you concerned that she might tell someone? perturbed formal He didn't seem unduly perturbed by the news. fretful She got a fretful night's sleep after the dreadful news. anxious All this waiting is making me anxious. apprehensive He's a bit apprehensive about leaving home. frantic Where on earth have you been? I've been frantic. at your wits' end I've been at my wits' end wondering where you've been. have something on your mind I've got a lot on my mind at the moment. lose sleep over It'll be OK. Don't lose any more sleep over it. Go to the thesaurus article about these synonyms and antonyms of worried. Learn more If you are worried, you are thinking about unpleasant things in a way that makes you unhappy and frightened. worried | American Thesaurusworriedadjective These are words and phrases related to worried. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of worried. WRETCHEDSynonymspathetic miserable unhappy hapless woebegone forlorn downcast doleful cheerless crestfallen despondent disheartened depressed dejected abject brokenhearted inconsolable disconsolate crushed melancholy sorrowful gloomy low-spirited despairing hopeless sick at heart wretched pitiable pitiful unfortunate Antonymsfortunate enviable prosperous flourishing successful thriving happy cheerful gay carefree lighthearted jovial RESTLESSSynonymsnervous jittery jumpy fidgety fretful anxious highstrung hyperactive excitable impatient restless restive wakeful sleepless insomniac fitful awake unquiet agitated uneasy disquieted ill at ease uncomfortable jiggy Slang Antonymsrestful quiet undisturbed easy comfortable relaxed carefree UPSETSynonymsupset perturbed disturbed distressed bothered annoyed agitated troubled grieved disquieted unnerved overwrought hysterical angered enraged furious incensed mad irked vexed Antonymscalmed quieted pacified eased comforted composed placated ANXIOUSSynonymsuptight Slang disturbed Slang troubled Slang disquieted Slang concerned Slang fretful Slang fraught with anxiety Slang anguished Slang fearful Slang alarmed Slang overwrought Slang anxious uneasy distressed apprehensive tense Antonymsrelieved assured sure confident calm composed cool collected unruffled unperturbed nonchalant APPREHENSIVESynonymsapprehensive uneasy filled with misgiving anxious disquieted distressed alarmed concerned fearful afraid scared Informal nervous jittery suspicious distrustful Antonymsconfident assured calm at ease cool composed unruffled nonchalant unafraid DISTRESSEDSynonymsdistressed distraught perturbed afflicted agitated anxious bothered disconsolate exercised inconsolable troubled upset distracted |