词汇 | thesaurus_wordplay |
释义 | wordplaynoun These are words and phrases related to wordplay. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of wordplay. HUMORSynonymshumor jokes joking wit wittiness witticisms gags wisecracks jests jesting foolery fooling foolishness tomfoolery raillery ridicule buffoonery waggery monkeyshines comedy high comedy low comedy broad comedy slapstick low humor broad humor burlesque farce caricature parody travesty satire whimsy puns Antonymsseriousness gravity solemnity sobriety sadness grief sorrow melancholy QUIPSynonymsplay on words pun epigram double entendre quip clever remark witty saying witticism retort repartee wisecrack bon mot French banter badinage sally spoof riposte cutting remark crack barb putdown sarcasm jest taunt gibe jeer raillery jape joke gag |