词汇 | thesaurus_wipe-out |
释义 | wipe outverb These are words and phrases related to wipe out. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of wipe out. KILLSynonymskill murder slay slaughter cut down put to death assassinate butcher massacre shoot down shoot mortally wound injure fatally end the life of take the life of dispatch put an end to get rid of do in silence stop the breath of exterminate deal out death shed blood spill blood execute knock off Slang bump off Slang rub out Slang blow away Slang finish off Slang erase Slang waste Slang take for a ride Slang Antonymsenliven bring to life revitalize NEGATESynonymsvanquish defeat overthrow overwhelm destroy blot out negate nullify invalidate void reverse quash squash quell squelch deny abrogate revoke gainsay retract disavow rebut refute contradict disallow set aside veto repeal disown disclaim repudiate Antonymsaffirm confirm attest to ratify endorse corroborate reinforce support ABOLISHSynonymsabolish eliminate eradicate erase obliterate extinguish exterminate annihilate extirpate terminate end put an end to stamp out blot out do away with squelch quash repeal revoke annul nullify invalidate declare null and void rescind cancel abrogate vitiate set aside repudiate Antonymsestablish institute introduce create inaugurate build found support promote increase sustain continue revive reinstate renew repair restore reintroduce authorize legalize enact PARALYZESynonymsdestroy demolish neutralize bring to a halt paralyze stun immobilize benumb incapacitate stupefy petrify disable debilitate cripple disarm weaken enfeeble freeze deaden EXPUNGESynonymsexpunge erase abolish annul cancel cut delete eradicate discard exclude exterminate extinguish extirpate kill raze obliterate take out remove RAZESynonymswreck smash demolish destroy ruin obliterate remove raze tear down pull down level fell flatten knock down topple break down dismantle reduce DYNAMITESynonymsdynamite destroy demolish blow up annihilate devastate raze decimate ruin wreck dismantle shatter obliterate eradicate extinguish exterminate trash Slang Antonymscreate construct erect build put up make EXTINGUISHSynonymsextinguish destroy end abolish eliminate kill demolish dispel eradicate cancel crush quash stifle dash zap Slang do in Slang Antonymsincrease foster promote forward build up secure establish confirm maintain support EXTERMINATESynonymsexterminate destroy kill slaughter massacre annihilate eliminate waste Slang zap Slang eradicate abolish root out erase expunge extinguish demolish Antonymsincrease develop foster build up create generate |