词汇 | thesaurus_well-advised |
释义 | well-advisedadjective These are words and phrases related to well-advised. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PRUDENTSynonymsprudent wise sensible careful showing good judgment judicious expedient discerning sagacious sage politic sapient levelheaded rational sane self-possessed thoughtful considerate reflecting prudential provident heedful vigilant wide-awake cautious wary circumspect shrewd guarded chary prepared foresighted discreet farsighted precautious frugal thrifty saving economical sparing Antonymsimprudent indiscreet unwise irrational thoughtless inconsiderate improvident careless heedless reckless rash incautious wasteful extravagant uneconomical JUDICIOUSSynonymsdiplomatic politic tactful thoughtful reflective prudent judicious sensible wise sagacious sage perspicacious sound of judgment just discriminating discerning astute knowing sound practical levelheaded reasonable clear-sighted acute shrewd sober sober-minded percipient Antonymsinjudicious imprudent unsound tactless thoughtless unreasonable SENSIBLESynonymswell-grounded logical rational reasonable sane sensible sound showing good sense intelligent thoughtful perspicacious wise sage sagacious farsighted practical discerning discriminating prudent discreet judicious just plausible credible possible Antonymsunsound unintelligent stupid unwise foolish absurd senseless imprudent indiscreet injudicious illogical irrational unreasonable |