词汇 | thesaurus_waste-away |
释义 | waste awayverb These are words and phrases related to waste away. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of waste away. LANGUISHSynonymslanguish go into decline droop flag faint diminish fade wilt wither deteriorate give away break down wane ebb become ill take sick sicken go downhill dwindle fail Antonymsluxuriate thrive prosper flourish bloom FAILSynonymsfail decline dwindle fade away die wane become weaker languish deteriorate flag droop perish gradually disappear give out ebb lose vigor collapse stop working stop operating Antonymsgrow bloom strengthen flourish prosper gain EBBSynonymsebb decline fade away abate subside dwindle shrink slacken lessen diminish decrease weaken deteriorate degenerate Antonymsincrease grow mount build climb advance progress improve wax flourish MELTSynonymsmelt dissipate scatter dispel dwindle fade dissolve disappear evaporate vanish Antonymsaccrue gather grow SHRIVELSynonymsdeteriorate shrivel shrink dry up wither wizen wrinkle pucker parch scorch MACERATESynonymsmacerate become emaciated shrink shrivel wither lose weight fade decline emaciate CRUMBLESynonymscrumble decay disintegrate fall apart break up wear away decompose go to wrack and ruin EATSynonymseat corrode dissolve rust wear away |