词汇 | thesaurus_warped |
释义 | warpedadjective These are words and phrases related to warped. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of warped. PERVERTEDSynonymsperverted distorted twisted contorted unbalanced misconstrued misconceived misunderstood false faulty untrue fallacious unsound erroneous imperfect degraded depraved debased corrupt unnatural abnormal aberrant deviant Antonymssound true valid balanced correct natural normal good straight worthy commendable UNBALANCEDSynonymsunbalanced mentally disturbed unsound deranged demented mad irrational illogical unsettled unhinged unstable crazed psychotic psychopathic cracked Informal daft Informal wacky Informal nutty Informal unglued Informal batty Informal not all there Informal loco Informal bonkers Informal CROOKEDSynonymsdistorted deformed out of shape crooked askew awry not straight curved twisted twisting winding meandering tortuous sinuous serpentine zigzag spiral bent bowed hooked Antonymsstraight straight as an arrow flat SPLAYSynonymssplay crooked awry askew irregular distorted tilted aslant sloping inclined slanted slanting awkward clumsy Antonymsflat straight level even symmetrical UNJUSTSynonymsprejudiced biased partisan one-sided unbalanced unjust unfair wrongful unjustified unwarranted undeserved unmerited inequitable Antonymsjust impartial fair justified deserved MISSHAPENSynonymsmisshapen distorted deformed malformed contorted misproportioned disproportionate ill-formed crooked twisted unshapely irregular Antonymsshapely well-formed |