词汇 | thesaurus_vulgarian |
释义 | vulgarianadjective These are words and phrases related to vulgarian. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. YAHOOSynonymsyahoo boor churl lout barbarian know-nothing ignoramus redneck ruffian Neanderthal slob rube yokel hayseed hick groundling dullard dope dunce buffoon clown Slang dimwit Slang bozo Slang vulgariannoun BOORSynonymsbrute philistine boor lout oaf yokel churl bumpkin clodhopper guttersnipe peasant rube hick hayseed rustic Antonymssophisticate cosmopolitan gentleman gallant lady BARBARIANSynonymsbarbarian anti-intellectual lowbrow philistine peasant illiterate ignoramus know-nothing troglodyte yahoo boor Antonymshighbrow intellectual connoisseur sophisticate literati plural cognoscenti plural |