词汇 | thesaurus_vacillating |
释义 | vacillatingadjective These are words and phrases related to vacillating. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. FICKLESynonymsfickle changeable unpredictable inconstant irresolute inconsistent mercurial whimsical capricious volatile giddy feather-brained frivolous light-headed flighty erratic fitful spasmodic feather-headed wavering fluctuating unstable unsteady variable shifting unreliable untrustworthy Antonymsconstant true faithful loyal staunch steadfast firm resolute changeless invariable settled stable steady sure reliable trustworthy CAPRICIOUSSynonymsindecisive undecided irresolute uncertain wavering shilly-shallying capricious changeable fickle inconstant variable impulsive erratic flighty skittish mercurial fanciful faddish irresponsible inconsistent unsteady unstable fitful uneven eccentric quirky Antonymsconsistent unchangeable inflexible unmovable firm fixed unwavering invariable unswerving resolute determined steadfast certain decided decisive serious responsible steady stable even GIDDYSynonymscareless thoughtless reckless irresponsible silly mercurial inconstant fanciful whimsical harum-scarum hare-brained rattlebrained muddled befuddled giddy flighty frivolous capricious erratic fickle changeable impulsive fitful volatile unsteady inconsistent CONFLICTINGSynonymsconflicting opposite contradictory contrary converse hostile antagonistic antipodal antithetical clashing counter discordant discrepant dissonant incompatible irreconcilable inconsistent opposed paradoxical polar wavering ambivalent unresolved equivocal Antonymsharmonious agreeing compatible congruous CHANGEABLESynonymschangeable variable varying erratic irregular alternating deviating inconstant fickle flighty volatile fluctuating mercurial capricious fitful unsteady uncertain unstable mutable reversible transformable modifiable convertible Antonymsunchangeable invariable regular undeviating constant steady certain reliable stable immutable irreversible inconvertible HESITANTSynonymsundecided doubtful indecisive uncertain halting unsure tentative diffident loath irresolute wavering shilly-shallying sitting on the fence hesitant hesitating reluctant half-hearted faltering lacking confidence hanging back Antonymseager willing avid keen resolute determined steadfast staunch firm certain sure confident decisive decided ERRATICSynonymserratic inconsistent unpredictable unstable shifting changeable variable fitful capricious odd eccentric queer strange peculiar unusual unnatural aberrant wayward abnormal Antonymsconsistent unvariable regular undeviating unchanging stable steady certain sure reliable predictable dependable typical normal customary natural SPINELESSSynonymsspineless timid fearful fainthearted weak |