词汇 | thesaurus_unstinted |
释义 | unstintedadjective These are words and phrases related to unstinted. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. LARGESynonymssubstantial considerable ample goodly liberal copious extravagant exorbitant large big huge great grand massive immense enormous gigantic spacious capacious vast roomy expansive sizable imposing Brobdingnagian comprehensive extensive wide broad sweeping far-reaching unlimited limitless boundless high mighty towering hulky strapping heavy rotund obese fat portly plump overgrown outsized ponderous monstrous giantlike colossal gargantuan magnificent stupendous king-sized Informal man-sized Informal mondo Slang beaucoup Slang Antonymssmall little tiny diminutive minute brief inconsiderable infinitesimal narrow paltry petty mean scanty sparse short trifling trivial slight slender slim thin GENEROUSSynonymslavish liberal munificent princely bountiful bounteous unrestricted unstinting spare-no-expense generous openhanded willing to give freehanded bighearted ungrudging extravagant prodigal effusive charitable beneficent philanthropic free-giving hospitable Antonymsstingy tight tightfisted closefisted cheap niggardly miserly parsimonious illiberal penurious avaricious covetous selfish PLENTIFULSynonymsplentiful abundant profuse copious bountiful bounteous prolific lavish ample abounding plenteous overflowing lush liberal generous large unsparing infinite inexhaustible Antonymsscant scanty sparse inadequate insufficient deficient scarce skimpy sparing small meager ALL-OUTSynonymsall-out full-out unreserved full-scale total complete maximum thoroughgoing intensive exhaustive unqualified out-and-out unremitting unlimited Antonymshalf-hearted indifferent perfunctory lukewarm THICKSynonymsgenerous lavish munificent liberal thick fat deep wide broad big bulky Antonymsslim narrow shallow slight lean spare small |