词汇 | thesaurus_unspotted |
释义 | unspottedThese are words and phrases related to unspotted. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. UNSPOILEDSynonymsspotless unmarred unblemished unscarred unspoiled preserved undamaged unharmed unimpaired pristine perfect unspottedadjective HOLYSynonymsholy saintly godly dedicated to God devoted to God spiritual pure pure in heart sinless angelic immaculate unstained profoundly good moral righteous guileless uncorrupted undefiled faithful virtuous unworldly devout pious religious reverent Antonymssecular worldly earthly human profane sacrilegious unreligious blasphemous impious sinful wicked evil corrupt immoral impure CLEANSynonymsclean unsoiled spotless immaculate sanitary unblemished unstained cleaned cleansed washed scrubbed bathed scoured laundered fresh neat tidy orderly Antonymsdirty filthy soiled stained spotted unwashed unbathed messy untidy disorderly SPOTLESSSynonymsspotless clean unsoiled immaculate pristine unstained unmarred flawless unsullied untarnished pure perfect unblemished gleaming shining untainted snowy Antonymsfilthy dirty messy soiled BLAMELESSSynonymsirreproachable spotless unsullied untainted unstained unblemished uncorrupted unimpeachable blameless not responsible not at fault guiltless not guilty innocent unblamable clear inculpable Antonymsresponsible at fault guilty implicated culpable sullied tainted censurable reprovable CLEANSynonymsclean wholesome honorable upright virtuous moral decent decorous innocent healthy chaste unsoiled exemplary untainted stainless unsullied unblemished Antonymsunwholesome dishonorable indecorous immoral indecent stained unhealthy tainted sullied blemished evil wicked depraved WHITESynonymswhite pure spotless unblemished unsullied unstained stainless clean immaculate chaste innocent undefiled virtuous Antonymsevil wicked bad nefarious notorious black blemished impure sullied stained spotted tarnished besmirched IRREPROACHABLESynonymsunblemished stainless unimpeachable irreproachable beyond reproach or criticism above reproof without fault flawless blameless faultless inculpable impeccable Antonymsreproachable flawed blameworthy faulty |