词汇 | thesaurus_unrevealed |
释义 | unrevealedadjective These are words and phrases related to unrevealed. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of unrevealed. FURTIVESynonymsmasked veiled shrouded cloaked private secluded unseen furtive secret secretive surreptitious stealthy hidden clandestine covert confidential mysterious undercover collusive conspiratorial sly shifty wily crafty underhand sneaking sneaky skulking shady elusive evasive Antonymsforthright straightforward aboveboard unconcealed unreserved public undisguised brazen barefaced INSCRUTABLESynonymsinscrutable unknowable incomprehensible indecipherable obscure not easily understood impenetrable to understanding unfathomable mysterious mystical mystifying arcane past comprehension beyond interpretation puzzling perplexing baffling inexplicable unsearchable enigmatic elusive unintelligible unreadable pokerfaced Informal deadpan Informal hidden concealed veiled masked Antonymsobvious palpable plain clear manifest open evident patent penetrable comprehensible understandable intelligible explainable self-evident familiar explicable readable knowable revealing transparent lucid PRIVATESynonymsundercover covert classified undisclosed off-the-record concealed hidden underground buried invisible private confidential clandestine privy secret inviolate unofficial nonofficial under wraps Informal hush-hush Informal mysterious cryptic obscure esoteric indistinct dark Antonymsknown official disclosed unconcealed revealed out in the open Informal SECRETSynonymssecret private confidential unrevealable undisclosed unpublished hush-hush hidden concealed unseen invisible camouflaged secluded undercover disguised covert clandestine surreptitious unknown mysterious mystic dark esoteric arcane occult Antonymspublic revealed disclosed obvious evident apparent undisguised well-known ordinary SILENTSynonymsunpublished unwritten hidden covert concealed silent not taking an active part tacit understood implied implicit inferred intimated insinuated suggested unspoken unsaid untalked-of unmentioned unexpressed undeclared unarticulated Antonymsactive spelled-out explicit stated declared announced expressed OCCULTSynonymsoccult supernatural magic mystic mystical secret mysterious dark arcane cabalistic esoteric private revealed only to the initiated undisclosed hidden concealed obscure veiled shrouded UNTOLDSynonymsuntold secret private concealed unknown suppressed withheld hushed up unrelated unpublished unreported undisclosed unsaid unspoken unexpressed UNNAMEDSynonymsunnamed anonymous nameless undisclosed unidentified uncredited unacknowledged pseudonymous unsigned incognito undesignated unspecified undiscovered unreported Antonymsknown identified disclosed credited signed ULTERIORSynonymsulterior hidden covert concealed secret unexpressed undisclosed undivulged selfish self-serving opportunistic Antonymsobvious manifest evident |