词汇 | thesaurus_unobservant |
释义 | unobservantadjective These are words and phrases related to unobservant. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of unobservant. HEEDLESSSynonymsheedless careless thoughtless mindless unmindful negligent neglectful uncaring unthinking inattentive oblivious unobserving unwatchful unwary unconcerned unaware unheeding remiss slack lax improvident imprudent incautious rash impetuous foolhardy reckless harebrained scatterbrained foolish witless frivolous happy-go-lucky Antonymscareful cautious wary prudent circumspect mindful attentive heedful thinking thoughtful observant watchful vigilant concerned aware alert NEGLECTFULSynonymsneglectful negligent careless thoughtless remiss heedless forgetful unmindful unthinking unheeding inattentive unwatchful oblivious disregardant lazy slack procrastinating respectless disregardful derelict happy-go-lucky devil-may-care indifferent inconstant untrue unfaithful improvident thriftless Antonymsattentive thoughtful considerate regardful careful BLINDSynonymsblind ignorant unaware unknowing unobserving incognizant uncomprehending unconscious of unenlightened unseeing obtuse unmindful unfeeling dull insensitive unperceptive or imperceptive undiscerning indifferent neglectful inattentive heedless unconcerned uninterested insouciant Antonymsaware conscious knowledgeable observant cognizant alive to awake to mindful sensitive discerning attentive heedful concerned MINDLESSSynonymsmindless insensitive to careless regardless thoughtless unattuned oblivious heedless indifferent apathetic inconsiderate indiscriminate unaware inattentive unheeding neglectful Antonymsmindful sensitive considerate aware attentive observant INATTENTIVESynonymsnot attentive careless negligent thoughtless unmindful heedless absentminded distracted forgetful unaware daydreaming inattentive showing no interest Antonymsattentive heedful mindful careful aware OBLIVIOUSSynonymsoblivious unaware of unconscious of undiscerning insensible unmindful disregardful heedless of unconcerned forgetful inattentive careless Antonymsaware conscious cognizant heedful concerned troubled worried annoyed |