词汇 | thesaurus_ungenerous |
释义 | ungenerousadjective These are words and phrases related to ungenerous. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of ungenerous. MISERLYSynonymsmiserly parsimonious stingy selfish avaricious mean tight tight-fisted grasping scrimping penurious pinching penny-pinching frugal illiberal closehanded close-fisted greedy niggardly near meager grudging cheap Antonymsgenerous unselfish charitable extravagant prodigal profligate SELFISHSynonymsuncharitable illiberal grudging stingy parsimonious miserly mean selfish self-seeking self-concerned self-centered egocentric egotistic greedy rapacious avaricious covetous venal mercenary grasping tight Informal Antonymsunselfish selfless considerate generous bighearted magnanimous giving altruistic SPARINGSynonymsparsimonious miserly penurious near close-fisted close stinting stingy niggardly tightfisted sparing thrifty economical frugal careful saving grudging meager scanty scant Antonymslavish profuse extravagant generous openhanded SHABBYSynonymsmeager cheap poor beggarly illiberal tight shabby unfair mean wretched sorry miserable contemptible ignoble dishonorable sordid low inferior unworthy Antonymsfair considerate admirable honorable liberal generous handsome lavish UNCHARITABLESynonymsuncharitable stingy tight niggardly miserly illiberal parsimonious tightfisted closefisted ungracious unkind unfriendly unfeeling uncompassionate insensitive unsympathetic UNKINDSynonymsunkind inconsiderate thoughtless unfeeling unsympathetic insensitive uncaring unfriendly ungracious inhospitable uncharitable mean nasty malicious abusive SHODDYSynonymsniggardly miserly stingy shoddy nasty mean shabby inconsiderate low low-down base reprehensible contemptible dirty Antonymsnoble gentlemanly kind thoughtful considerate sympathetic compassionate ILLIBERALSynonymsilliberal intolerant narrow-minded biased prejudiced hidebound brassbound small-minded bigoted short-sighted small narrow opinionated petty Antonymsbroad-minded liberal tolerant unprejudiced GRUDGINGSynonymsgrudging reluctant unenthusiastic unwilling begrudging apathetic indifferent perfunctory lukewarm tepid mean-spirited Antonymsenthusiastic generous PETTYSynonymspetty small-minded narrow-minded mean ignoble shabby Antonymsbroad-minded large-hearted magnanimous generous tolerant |