词汇 | thesaurus_unformed |
释义 | unformedadjective These are words and phrases related to unformed. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. UNDEVELOPEDSynonymsundeveloped abortive amorphous backward embryonic formless immature imperfect inchoate incipient inexperienced rudimentary shapeless underdeveloped unfinished untaught untrained beginning preliminary half-baked Informal FORMLESSSynonymsformless amorphous shapeless chaotic incoherent indefinite indeterminate indistinct vague nebulous disorganized unorganized orderless obscure unclear undefined IMMATURESynonymsimmature embryonic unripe young youthful rudimentary infantile pubescent half-grown not mature undeveloped unfinished unmellowed out of season green Antonymsmature adult ripe mellow developed full-fledged INCHOATESynonymsshapeless formless unshaped amorphous inchoate beginning budding incipient commencing embryonic nascent unorganized uncohesive disjointed disconnected Antonymsformed shaped finished completed SHAPELESSSynonymsshapeless formless indefinite indistinct nebulous undeveloped unmade unshapely unstructured unsymmetrical vague amorphous Antonymsshaped well-proportioned graceless |