词汇 | thesaurus_undetermined |
释义 | undeterminedadjective These are words and phrases related to undetermined. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of undetermined. VAGUESynonymsvague not definite indefinite inexplicit unclear imprecise ill-defined undetailed uncertain unsettled confused unsure fuzzy hazy nebulous unspecific unspecified loose general random casual Antonymsdefinite explicit clear clear-cut precise specific distinct well-defined detailed express settled determined fixed UNCERTAINSynonymsuncertain indeterminate unpredictable not known exactly indefinite indistinct unclear hazy obscure nebulous doubtful not fixed unsettled in question debatable disputable questionable conjectural Antonymspredictable known determined clear settled indisputable unquestionable UNRESOLVEDSynonymsunresolved unsettled undecided unanswered unsolved unascertained pending tentative doubtful vague uncertain questionable moot problematical speculative disputable contestable INDETERMINATESynonymsindeterminate unspecified unstipulated uncertain unfixed in extent or amount unclear obscure not clear unresolved vague undefined ambiguous problematic perplexing indefinite Antonymsspecified precise definite clear certain determined fixed defined UNDECIDEDSynonymsundecided not decided uncertain unsure indefinite unsettled unresolved not final pending open tentative in abeyance unformulated vague up in the air Informal Antonymsdecided determined certain definite settled final firm UNSETTLEDSynonymsunsettled unstable unsteady shaky undependable unsure unfixed indeterminate changeable wavering vacillating infirm fickle faltering irresolute Antonymssettled stable steady UNTOLDSynonymsuntold innumerable countless uncounted numerous myriad numberless unnumbered incalculable immeasurable limitless unbounded endless infinite PROBLEMATICSynonymsproblematic uncertain doubtful questionable dubious unsettled enigmatic unknown perplexing paradoxical puzzling difficult troublesome worrisome Antonymscertain settled known undisputed unquestionable UNSPECIFIEDSynonymsunspecified unnamed unmentioned unannounced unpublicized undefined undesignated unindicated unstipulated unsettled vague general indefinite INCONCLUSIVESynonymsinconclusive indeterminate unresolved unsettled indefinite open up in the air eluding settlement indecisive not definite still doubtful unconvincing Antonymsconclusive decisive definite PENDINGSynonymspending awaiting decision awaiting settlement undecided unsettled unresolved unfinished up in the air in suspense imminent in the offing UNKNOWNSynonymsunknown anonymous unidentified undiscovered unnamed nameless undesignated obscure unrenowned unheard-of uncelebrated Antonymswell-known celebrated famous renowned INDEFINITESynonymsindefinite unspecified having no fixed limit indeterminate unknown inexact inexplicit illimitable measureless limitless Antonymsdefinite clear-cut certain limited known specific |