词汇 | thesaurus_undersized |
释义 | undersizedadjective These are words and phrases related to undersized. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of undersized. SCRAWNYSynonymspuny underweight stunted runty scrawny extremely thin spindly skinny spare lean sinewy lank lanky bony gaunt angular rawboned scraggy fleshless skeletal emaciated drawn wasted attenuated Antonymsfat plump chubby brawny muscular PUNYSynonymspuny small and weak underdeveloped slight pint-sized runty sawed-off little bantam mite-sized miniature diminutive tiny weakly sickly poor feeble thin fragile emaciated delicate frail runtlike infirm Antonymslarge great robust healthy strong vigorous colossal gigantic DIMINUTIVESynonymsdiminutive tiny little small short slight stunted miniature petite minute lilliputian pocket-size vest-pocket half-pint Slang teeny wee elfin dwarfish on a small scale insignificant unimportant inconsiderable Antonymsenormous immense gigantic oversized huge vast colossal mammoth monumental LITTLESynonymsdwarfish stunted little small diminutive petite bantam pint-sized pocket-sized miniature wee tiny minute itty-bitty Slang itsy-bitsy Slang pygmy elfin Lilliputian microscopic infinitesimal Antonymsbig large great immense huge monstrous enormous colossal giant giant-sized WEESynonymsdwarf Lilliputian wee tiny very small little minute minuscule scant scanty teeny Informal teeny-weeny Informal itty-bitty Informal diminutive miniature microscopic pocket-size petite Antonymsbig large huge immense enormous gigantic titanic SCANTYSynonymsthin slender sparse skimpy small modest short stunted paltry scanty inadequate scant insufficient meager deficient undersizednoun TINYSynonymspocket-sized pint-sized midget pygmy dwarfish runty Lilliputian bantam petite tiny small little minute miniature diminutive minuscule microscopic wee teeny Informal teeny-weeny Informal teensy-weensy Informal itsy-bitsy Informal Antonymslarge big huge enormous immense mammoth oversized giant gigantic monstrous colossal gargantuan titanic |