词汇 | thesaurus_uncompassionate |
释义 | uncompassionateadjective These are words and phrases related to uncompassionate. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of uncompassionate. HARDENEDSynonymshardened callous hardhearted heartless inaccessible impenetrable obdurate resistant unbending uncaring unemotional unfeeling accustomed habituated case-hardened inured seasoned steeled toughened hard-bitten Informal hard-boiled Informal INSENSITIVESynonymsinsensitive unaware of not sensitive indifferent unconcerned apathetic hardened unfeeling callous thick-skinned blasé cold unaware of feeling not capable of feeling impervious insensible insensate impassive dead numb Antonymssensitive compassionate tender susceptible subject prone open exposed hypersensitive thin-skinned OBDURATESynonymsobdurate unmoved uncaring unfeeling stony stone harsh merciless unmerciful unpitying pitiless unsympathetic unsparing untouched hardened callous cruel cold-blooded hardhearted Antonymscompassionate sympathetic caring feeling merciful pitying relenting softhearted kind gentle tender UNCHARITABLESynonymsungracious unkind unfriendly unfeeling insensitive unsympathetic uncharitable ungenerous stingy tight niggardly miserly illiberal parsimonious tightfisted closefisted CRUELSynonymsheartless pitiless unfeeling hardhearted ruthless remorseless cold-blooded cruel inhuman inhumane sadistic brutal vicious savage merciless unmerciful Antonymshumane benevolent merciful compassionate kind warmhearted sympathetic tender gentle mild REMORSELESSSynonymsremorseless relentless pitiless unrelenting merciless unmerciful ruthless cruel savage implacable inexorable Antonymsmerciful relenting |