词汇 | thesaurus_unchecked |
释义 | uncheckedadjective These are words and phrases related to unchecked. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of unchecked. RASHSynonymsirresponsible reckless headlong impulsive impetuous adventurous ungoverned uncontrolled unadvised rash precipitate brash abrupt hasty premature imprudent injudicious indiscreet incautious careless heedless thoughtless unthinking harebrained devil-may-care foolhardy foolish UNRESTRAINEDSynonymsunrestrained uncontrolled unrestricted uninhibited irrepressible unrepressed unreserved unsuppressed uncurbed unbridled unhampered unfettered ungoverned unhindered unlimited boundless excessive extravagant inordinate immoderate intemperate abandoned RAPIDSynonymsaccelerated rapid quick fast fleet express swift speedy hasty hurried instant brisk active expeditious precipitate prompt feverish agitated rushing galloping flying Antonymsslow leisurely gradual deliberate lazy sluggish dilatory UTTERSynonymsutter complete total absolute thorough downright outright out-and-out sheer entire perfect pure unrelieved unqualified unequivocal categorical unmodified unmitigated Antonymspartial moderate slight relative reasonable limited qualified passable tolerable UNINHIBITEDSynonymsuninhibited free unrestrained unconstrained uncontrolled unrestricted unobstructed unhampered unstopped unimpeded unhindered uncurbed unbridled unreined Antonymsrestrained constrained controlled restricted checked hampered hindered curbed bridled UNLIMITEDSynonymsunlimited limitless unrestricted unrestrained uncontrolled absolute total totalitarian complete unconstrained unqualified comprehensive all-encompassing Antonymslimited restricted controlled confined checked constrained partial RAMPANTSynonymsrampant widespread rife prevalent universal unrestrained raging ungovernable uncontrollable epidemic pandemic Antonymsrestrained curbed checked |