词汇 | thesaurus_unbefitting |
释义 | unbefittingadjective These are words and phrases related to unbefitting. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. UNSEEMLYSynonymsunseemly improper inappropriate unbecoming indecorous ungentlemanly unladylike unsuitable out of character out of place discreditable undignified unworthy disreputable reprehensible tasteless offensive distasteful vulgar indelicate incorrect indecent gross crude coarse rude discourteous ill-mannered boorish churlish loutish Antonymsseemly proper appropriate fit befitting becoming suitable dignified tasteful cultivated polite courteous mannerly genteel gentlemanly ladylike UNDIGNIFIEDSynonymsundignified lacking dignity indecorous inappropriate unbecoming unsuitable unseemly inelegant boorish unladylike ungentlemanly unrefined improper tasteless indelicate in bad taste low discreditable unworthy degrading shameful beneath one beneath one's dignity infra dignitatemLatin infra dig Informal UNDESIRABLESynonymsinappropriate unfit improper unbecoming undesirable unsavory offensive unworthy unattractive objectionable distasteful disagreeable unwelcomed uninviting unseemly unsatisfactory unacceptable unsuitable inadmissible unwished-for unwanted unbidden unpopular disliked UNSUITABLESynonymsunsuitable inappropriate inapt unfit unfitting improper unbecoming unseemly out of place out of keeping out of character unhappy infelicitous indecorous incongruous inconsistent incompatible unacceptable inadmissible inadequate worthless useless UNHAPPYSynonymsunhappy unfortunate hapless unsuccessful unwise imprudent foolish injudicious ill-advised regrettable sorry infelicitous adverse poor bad unlucky luckless inappropriate inapt unsuitable awkward unseemly unbecoming Antonymsfortunate successful wise prudent smart shrewd good fine wonderful lucky blessed favorable appropriate apt suitable seemly becoming correct befitting IMPROPERSynonymsimproper not suitable unsuitable inappropriate unfit unseemly malapropos irregular out of place inapt unconformable contrary to accepted standards unbecoming indecorous out of tune inharmonious ill-suited being at odds indecent lewd suggestive off-color Antonymsproper right correct decorous decent fitting apropos comme il faut French de rigueur French UNTIMELYSynonymsinappropriate inapt unsuitable unfitting unseemly unbecoming imprudent out of place unhappy malapropos infelicitous unfortunate ill-advised untimely ill-timed mistimed inconvenient inopportune unexpected premature INDISCREETSynonymsindiscreet imprudent incautious injudicious uncalled-for improvident unseemly uncircumspect foolhardy foolish impolitic tasteless ill-judged thoughtless inconsiderate unwise careless tactless untactful undiplomatic Antonymsdiscreet judicious prudent circumspect cautious politic tactful ILL-SUITEDSynonymsill-suited inappropriate unsuitable unsuited malapropos inapt ill-matched mismatched misjoined mismated unbecoming ill-adapted uncongenial inconsistent |