词汇 | thesaurus_turn-out |
释义 | turn outverb These are words and phrases related to turn out. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of turn out. PRODUCESynonymsproduce make create manufacture construct fashion shape compose devise fabricate frame evolve form concoct conceive develop originate institute found give birth to beget generate invent procreate give life to hatch bring into being give origin to bring into existence bring into the world BANISHSynonymsbanish exile expel eject evict outlaw deport extradite cast out drive out send away dismiss send to Coventry excommunicate Antonymsinvite admit accept receive receive with open arms welcome entertain harbor shelter foster nourish cherish ATTIRESynonymsattire dress clothe garb robe gown deck out array bedeck costume don invest fit out rig out Antonymsundress disrobe unclothe strip bare denude OVERTURNSynonymsoverturn defeat vanquish overthrow conquer overcome overpower overwhelm depose crush beat thrash oust RESULTSynonymsresult arise ensue follow succeed eventuate happen stem owe to derive originate issue spring Antonymprompt KICK OUTSynonymskick eject throw out cast out remove send packing show the door give the heave give the gate send about one's business give the boot to Slang boot out Slang give the bum's rush Slang EJECTSynonymseject oust evict expel remove force out kick out drive out bounce Slang exile banish deport dispossess Antonymsmove in bring in receive admit introduce GOSynonymsgo work out fare take place come to pass transpire result end terminate fall out FARESynonymsfare manage get on get along experience good or bad fortune go through an experience do make out perform CHANCESynonymschance happen occur come to pass come about fall befall fall to one's lot STARTSynonymseject displace evict start flush rouse disturb scatter WRITESynonymswrite compose produce dash off author Informal pen Informal DEVELOPSynonymsdevelop evolve unfold come to light HAPPENSynonymsbe the case happen have the fortune to be have the luck to be |