词汇 | thesaurus_tried-and-true |
释义 | tried and trueadjective These are words and phrases related to tried and true. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. HONESTSynonymshonest law-abiding ethical truthful decent upright fair just righteous honorable virtuous principled conscientious scrupulous blameless proper reasonable faithful true-blue reputable fair and square square straight straight-shooting aboveboard open and aboveboard on the level on the up-and-up as good as one's word honest as the day is long legal legitimate lawful Antonymsunethical untruthful unfair unrighteous dishonorable bad immoral unprincipled unscrupulous improper unfaithful illegal illegitimate unlawful corrupt fraudulent crooked base low vile TRUSTWORTHYSynonymsfaithful loyal true true-blue steadfast honorable high-principled honest ethical aboveboard upright incorruptible scrupulous unimpeachable trustworthy responsible dependable reliable trusted Antonymsuntrustworthy irresponsible undependable unreliable disreputable unfaithful disloyal treacherous dishonorable dishonest shady slippery crooked corrupt unscrupulous LOYALSynonymsloyal faithful steadfast true constant reliable trusty trustworthy devoted dependable resolute unwavering unswerving staunch firm dutiful scrupulous true-blue Antonymsdisloyal false faithless unfaithful perfidious treacherous untrustworthy rebellious traitorous treasonous SAFESynonymssure steady firm stable sound safe not dangerous dependable reliable trustworthy to be trusted harmless innocuous Antonymsunsafe undependable unreliable harmful risky pathogenic lethal toxic RELIABLESynonymsreliable dependable unfailing faithful trustworthy trusty responsible solid sound conscientious true Antonymsunreliable capricious undependable untrustworthy irresponsible questionable tried-and-trueadjective These are words and phrases related to tried-and-true. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. CONSTANTSynonymsconstant loyal devoted faithful true trustworthy trusty steadfast staunch dependable diligent resolute abiding unflagging unwavering enduring stalwart Antonymsinconstant disloyal unfaithful faithless false perfidious untrustworthy undependable irresolute wavering flagging fickle NEVER-FAILINGSynonymsnever-failing sure steadfast abiding firm unfaltering enduring reliable dependable proven undeviating unhesitating trustworthy trusty unfailing Antonymsprecarious chancy iffy unreliable faltering |