词汇 | thesaurus_trembling |
释义 | tremblingadjective These are words and phrases related to trembling. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of trembling. NERVOUSSynonymsruffled disturbed uneasy excited tremulous skittish fidgety neurotic unsettled unstrung tense nervous excitable jumpy jittery shaky high-strung sensitive touchy jiggy Slang anxious hysterical wild delirious fearful apprehensive timorous feverish alarmed startled peevish irritable impatient Antonymssteady calm tranquil peaceful constant even equable uniform confident bold serene LANGUIDSynonymsrickety shaky languid faint feeble weak weary drooping sickly declining indisposed debilitated unhealthy unsound unstable doddering infirm on the decline fatigued exhausted enervated worn-out spent lackadaisical languorous sluggish torpid apathetic inert inactive supine Antonymsstrong tireless active energetic vigorous robust SHAKYSynonymsshaky unsteady shaking quivering wobbly tremulous tottering teetery teetering weak unstable flimsy frail fragile unsafe hazardous insecure precarious nervous jumpy jittery fidgety JUMPYSynonymsjumpy jittery nervous skittish fidgety agitated shaky nervy fluttery twitching twitchy aflutter fretful apprehensive anxious uneasy uptight Slang goosey Slang alarmed panicky frightened Antonymscalm unruffled composed serene sedate TREMULOUSSynonymsjittery wobbly shaky nervous jumpy quivering quaking tremulous hesitant faltering timid irresolute uncertain fearful wavering panicky panic-stricken Antonymscalm collected composed relaxed cool unperturbed tremblingnoun NERVOUSNESSSynonymsnervousness excitability flutter shaking hysteria quivering twitching hypersensitivity touchiness timorousness timidity perturbation disturbance agitation irritability irascibility tension tremor fidgetiness stage fright apprehension anxiety the shakes Informal the creeps Informal the fidgets Informal Antonymscalm composure coolness equanimity TREMORSynonymstremor shaking shake tremble quiver quivering shiver shivering shudder waver flutter quavering pulsation throb spasm paroxysm convulsion palpitation vibration quake jolt shock jar Antonymsteadiness THROBSynonymsflutter fluttering quiver quivering shake shaking tremble twitch jerk tremor throb throbbing beat beating pulsation pulse palpitation vibration oscillation reverberation AWESynonymsawe fright fear terror dread panic dismay alarm apprehension consternation disquietude perturbation trepidation shock horror quaking quivering Antonymsscorn disdain JERKSynonymsshake twitch quiver spasm reflex start tic jerk |