词汇 | thesaurus_to-the-point |
释义 | to the pointadjective These are words and phrases related to to the point. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of to the point. RELEVANTSynonymsapt suitable suited fit fitting to the purpose on the subject relevant related pertinent referring bearing concerning connected cognate intrinsic tied in allied associated germane material significant appropriate apposite applicable apropos Antonymsirrelevant unrelated unconnected inappropriate inapplicable immaterial extraneous extrinsic foreign alien beside the point PRECISESynonymsprecise exact specific strict true clear-cut express definite explicit accurate correct incisive unequivocal distinct literal careful painstaking meticulous fastidious Antonymsinexact implicit indefinite ambiguous equivocal indistinct vague indeterminate nebulous careless heedless loose lax incautious APPROPRIATESynonymscharacteristic belonging pertinent relevant germane to the purpose opportune appropriate suitable proper well-suited congruous fitting befitting correct seemly apt apropos well-chosen Antonymsinappropriate improper ill-suited unsuitable unsuited unfitting incongruous unbefitting unseemly incorrect wrong inconsonant incompatible outré uncharacteristic out of place inopportune irrelevant SUCCINCTSynonymssuccinct terse expressed in few words brief direct clipped concise neat condensed compact sparing of words epigrammatic short tight summary crisp pithy gnomic aphoristic Antonymsdiscursive rambling maundering circuitous prolix wordy verbose long-winded LUCIDSynonymsprecise direct straightforward accurate specific well-organized apposite positive certain lucid clear easily understood crystal clear intelligible understandable articulate comprehensible Antonymsunintelligible incomprehensible vague indistinct unclear ambiguous equivocal garbled mystifying BLUNTSynonymsblunt frank open outspoken candid straightforward explicit curt abrupt brusque rough tactless insensitive Antonymstactful subtle diplomatic politic sensitive polite courteous polished PITHYSynonymspithy meaningful cogent forceful effective expressive trenchant concise terse succinct concentrated Antonymsdiffuse vague wordy verbose rambling turgid |