词汇 | thesaurus_thieve |
释义 | thieveverb These are words and phrases related to thieve. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of thieve. ROBSynonymssteal from loosely burgle loosely burglarize loosely ransack loosely pillage loosely pilfer loosely sack loosely forage loosely despoil loosely plunder loosely loot loosely rob hold up stick up raid heist Slang filch steal seize purloin rifle lift carry off appropriate help oneself to skin swindle cheat bamboozle bilk fleece embezzle STEALSynonymscopy crib plagiarize steal take burglarize purloin filch pilfer lift snatch make off with abscond with swindle embezzle extort usurp misappropriate defraud abstract borrow appropriate imitate help oneself to pocket rip off Slang liberate Slang pinch Slang snitch Slang swipe Slang cop Slang PILFERSynonymspilfer steal rob purloin plagiarize pirate boost Slang hook Slang lift Slang pinch Slang heist Slang swipe Slang cop Slang snitch Slang finger Slang |