词汇 | thesaurus_superfluity |
释义 | superfluitynoun These are words and phrases related to superfluity. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of superfluity. FUSSSynonymsceremony ceremoniousness pomp fuss bustle ado anxious activity stir to-do flutter flurry pother bother commotion hurly-burly disturbance hubbub confusion turmoil turbulence perturbation fret stew fidget worry agitation much ado about nothing tempest in a teapot fluster hustle scurry Antonymsinactivity peace tranquillity simplicity SUPERABUNDANCESynonymssuperabundance overabundance overflow glut surplus excess plethora oversupply redundance pleonasm surfeit deluge flood spate avalanche riot extravagance overdose inundation embarras de richesses French Antonymsscarcity lack shortage paucity REMAINDERSynonymsremainder balance rest remains residuum excess residue residual surplus overage leftovers leavings remaining part remnant surplusage waste refuse scourings wastage GLUTSynonymsglut oversupply over-abundance superabundance saturation supersaturation surplus excess surfeit drug burden load overdose plethora clog obstruction Antonymsscarcity shortage paucity dearth want lack FRILLSynonymsaffectation falderal frill ornament decoration added touch frippery embellishment air mannerism |