词汇 | thesaurus_stir-up |
释义 | stir upverb These are words and phrases related to stir up. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. PROVOKESynonymsstir rouse awaken call forth elicit fire inflame kindle quicken excite evoke provoke arouse stimulate bring on give rise to cause produce bring about effect actuate motivate prompt pique put in motion galvanize foment incite generate create establish KINDLESynonymskindle stir arouse rouse inspire call forth waken awake enkindle fire stimulate agitate intensify provoke induce incite inflame excite invigorate quicken animate sharpen whet foment urge prod goad Antonymssmother stifle extinguish quench dampen STINGSynonymssting impel incite provoke irritate goad prod kindle fire excite nettle whip egg on shake arouse instigate spur actuate quicken lash awaken propel motivate pierce prompt move Antonymsdelay hinder obstruct halt thwart deaden paralyze FOMENTSynonymsfoment incite foster promote instigate provoke urge excite stimulate galvanize rouse arouse kindle inflame spur goad agitate irritate aggravate exacerbate quicken fan the fire fan into flame blow the coals Antonymsquell suppress repress quench check curb restrain allay discourage destroy extinguish extirpate PRODSynonymsactuate rouse set in motion move animate encourage motivate prod impel stir incite excite stimulate instigate prompt urge exhort goad provoke egg on nag spur bear down upon pressure INFLAMESynonymsinflame excite electrify intoxicate arouse provoke rouse ignite kindle fire excite the passions of incite stimulate agitate work up heat up enkindle craze rile incense enrage madden Antonymsextinguish (a passion) quench allay cool calm pacify quiet squelch suppress EXCITESynonymsexcite thrill electrify galvanize rouse arouse spur on agitate move stimulate energize kindle fire inflame provoke animate incite foment instigate titillate get a kick out of Antonymsdull lull bore soothe quiet calm pacify CHURNSynonymschurn beat whisk whip shake shake up agitate vibrate toss heave swirl roll roil foam rage convulse disturb pulsate palpitate INCURSynonymsarouse incite involve provoke bring out bring on oneself incur contract become liable for bring into being assume bring on acquire fall into become subject to AGITATESynonymsagitate stir shake |