词汇 | thesaurus_starry-eyed |
释义 | starry-eyedadjective These are words and phrases related to starry-eyed. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, go to the definition of starry-eyed. QUIXOTICSynonymsquixotic extravagantly chivalrous absurdly romantic fanciful impulsive whimsical chimerical dreamy sentimental poetic head-in-the-clouds utopian idealistic unrealistic visionary impractical ineffective inefficacious fantastic wild madcap preposterous absurd ridiculous Antonymsrealistic down-to-earth practical serious YOUTHFULSynonymsyoung-looking enthusiastic fresh lighthearted bright-eyed having young attitudes young at heart youthful young juvenile adolescent teenage childish boyish girlish puerile immature inexperienced callow sophomoric of the young for the young Antonymsold aged elderly older senior hoary adult mature grown-up full-grown experienced old-mannish old-womanish old-looking old-fashioned senile decrepit UNREALISTICSynonymsdelusory fanciful wild silly crazy foolish crackpot asinine absurd unrealistic impractical unreasonable illogical idealistic improbable infeasible Antonymsrealistic sound sensible reasonable practical VISIONARYSynonymsvisionary impractical idealistic utopian dreamy unreal imaginative imaginary insubstantial illusory fanciful fancied unfounded chimerical delusive Antonymspractical pragmatic realistic hardheaded substantial material real true actual authentic IMPRACTICALSynonymsromantic quixotic impractical unrealistic unwise unintelligent lacking foresight disorganized loose-ended helter-skelter sloppy careless Antonymssound sensible down-to-earth practical pragmatic clear-eyed realistic systematic MOONSTRUCKSynonymsmoonstruck romantic moony sentimental mushy Antonymdown-to-earth |